The Edit Sketch Window allows for sketches to be edited and updated or reloaded into the Program window

  • Close - closes this window and resumes simulating the program
  • Update Sketch - save this edited sketch back to the program window
  • Save File As - save this sketch to a new .ino file
  • SaveUpdate - save the sketch under the same name and update the sketch in the program window
  • Bare Minimum - load the bare minimum code skeleton - see here for more info
  • Sketch Font type - changes the font type of the main program window
  • Sketch Font size  -  changes the font size of the main program window
  • Skin - this will change and save the skin for the whole Simulator program. The default skin is Windows. Click Invert to show text against a dark background
  • Library Directory - set for using custom libraries or click Reset to set the Library directory to the default value
  • Language - change between English, French, Italian and Other for titles only - also Input and output the language text
  • BreakPoint condition - set to break on a certain condition at the red line. The condition can be any expression and can even be a formula - such as i+=10.
  • Serial InData - provides the ability to Change the Default Serial - Also available as a hidden code command - Reset to set default value of 123456ABCDEF\n
  • Simulate Delays - when checked a delay(1000) function will make the Simulator pause for one second when auto-running
  • AutoStep - the delay between single steps in the run mode - set this to 1 or 0 to run without any refresh
  • Syntax Colours - allows the user to adjust and save the syntax colours - Default will reset all colours