Error Reports v0.99
To log an error, please enter the details below:
0 | Date | Line | Sketch | Error | Fix | |
1 | 01-Nov-2013 | 37 | Free Version firt steps.ino | Cannot Evaluate digitalRead(SELPIN[Spin]) Line: Line: 11 Serial.println(digitalRead(SELPIN[Spin])); | 0.99 | |
2 | 03-Nov-2013 | 28 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: case 1: digitalWrite(1,LOW) Line: Line: 28 digitalWrite(1,LOW); | 0.99 | |
3 | 03-Nov-2013 | 57 | p03_LoveOMeter.ino | Unknown command: 0,4990234375 * 100 Line: Line: 57 float temperature = (voltage - .5) * 100; | 0.99 | |
4 | 04-Nov-2013 | 46 | simplePump01.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 17 if (runTime < run) { // Duty cycle not reached | 0.99 | |
5 | 04-Nov-2013 | 16 | Free Version njovo.ino | Unknown command: 300, Line: Line: 4 if (val > 300, <600){ | 0.99 | |
6 | 05-Nov-2013 | 13 | sketch_nov04a.ino | Unknown command: _BV(1) Line: Line: 13 DDRB |= _BV(1); | 0.99 | |
7 | 05-Nov-2013 | 11 | test_ino.ino | Unknown command: heinzi,dasko,wurst Line: Line: 11 dogs={heinzi,dasko,wurst}; | 0.99 | |
8 | 05-Nov-2013 | 16 | Cours_test1.ino | Unknown command: 6Off Line: Line: 16 LedOff ; | 0.99 | |
9 | 05-Nov-2013 | if (digitalRead(12)== LOW)); | ||||
10 | 05-Nov-2013 | 37 | UW_Lamp.ino | Unknown command: UP, HIGH Line: Line: 37 if (UP, HIGH); | 0.99 | |
11 | 06-Nov-2013 | 4 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line: Line: 4 PinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
12 | 06-Nov-2013 | 14 | analogische.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW)} Line: Line: 6 digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW)}; | 0.99 | |
13 | 06-Nov-2013 | 557 | Cala_1_0_r_a_i_ridotto_lite.ino | Unknown command: void fermatutto() Line: Line: 557 void fermatutto() | 0.99 | |
14 | 06-Nov-2013 | 124 | 10-Verk.ino | Unknown command: 0,000514425204168842 Line: Line: 124 tempC = 1 / (0.001129148 (0.000234125 * tempC) (0.0000000876741 * tempC * tempC * tempC)); | 0.99 | |
15 | 07-Nov-2013 | 42 | Free Version 3 LedFOR.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line: Line: 42 } | 0.99 | |
16 | 07-Nov-2013 | 43 | Free Version 3 LedFOR.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line: Line: 43 } | 0.99 | |
17 | 07-Nov-2013 | 28 | SD_to_convert.pde | Cannot Evaluate Line: Line: 28 while ( != \',\'){ | 0.99 | |
18 | 07-Nov-2013 | 80 | ___________photo_Control_2013_11_04_328nano.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_read_word (day_to_night_bias)) Line: Line: 80 setBias(eeprom_read_word (DAY_TO_NIGHT_BIAS));//set the bias according to the eeprom biasValue | 0.99 | |
19 | 07-Nov-2013 | 51 | Xmas1.ino | Label1 Line:Label2 | 0.99 | |
20 | 07-Nov-2013 | 11 | Chenillard 1.ino | Unknown command: ledPin(x) Line: Line: 11 pinMode(ledPin(x), OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
21 | 07-Nov-2013 | 77 | Pegar_valor_sensor.ino | Unknown command: void setupBluetoothConnection(){ Line: Line: 77 void setupBluetoothConnection(){ | 0.99 | |
22 | 07-Nov-2013 | 2 | ___________photo_Control_2013_11_06_attiny44.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_read_word 0 Line: Line: 28 void setBias(int bias){ | 0.99 | |
23 | 07-Nov-2013 | 8 | ___________photo_Control_2013_11_06_attiny44.ino | Unknown command: 0 ) setTripPoint() Line: Line: 8 || (temp>= ENTER_SET_MODE_BRIGHT) ) setTripPoint(); // if low call calibrate/set trip point | 0.99 | |
24 | 07-Nov-2013 | 14 | ___________photo_Control_2013_11_06_attiny44.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_write_word (day_to_night_bias, computebias()) Line: Line: 14 eeprom_write_word (DAY_TO_NIGHT_BIAS, computeBias()); | 0.99 | |
25 | 07-Nov-2013 | 19 | ReadAnalogVoltage.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 19 float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99 | |
26 | 08-Nov-2013 | 74 | RowColumnScanning1.ino | Unknown command: map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 31)%8 Line: Line: 74 _y = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 31)%8; | 0.99 | |
27 | 08-Nov-2013 | 113 | Free Version RowColumnScanning1sim.ino | Unknown command: 0[0 Line: Line: 113 digitalWrite(row[indexs[i][0]],HIGH); | 0.99 | |
28 | 08-Nov-2013 | 3 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 11 serial.begin(9600); | 0.99 | |
29 | 08-Nov-2013 | 18 | wakeonlan.ino | Unknown command: begin( arduino_MAC, arduino_IP) Line: Line: 18 Ethernet.begin( arduino_MAC, arduino_IP); | 0.99 | |
30 | 08-Nov-2013 | 37 | Free Version Lettura_SHT11.ino | Unknown command: readTemperatureC() Line: Line: 37 float temp_c = sht1x.readTemperatureC(); | 0.99 | |
31 | 08-Nov-2013 | 29 | rele5.ino | Undefined pin state 13 Line: Line: 29 pinMode(RELAY1, 13); | 0.99 | |
32 | 08-Nov-2013 | 27 | sketch_sep28a.ino | Unknown command: bs1, LOW Line: Line: 27 if(bs1, LOW){ | 0.99 | |
33 | 09-Nov-2013 | 20 | Free Version sim tests.ino | Typo?: try Serial.print(k 1) Line: Line: 20 serial.print(k 1); | 0.99 | |
34 | 09-Nov-2013 | 0 | Simulator for Arduino | Cannot Evaluate int dir = LOW; Line: Line: 28 int dir = LOW; | 0.99 | |
35 | 09-Nov-2013 | 24 | Free Version Example 2 LedChaser.ino | Cannot Evaluate pulse(i) Line: Line: 24 pulse(i); | 0.99 | |
36 | 09-Nov-2013 | 148 | endelig_med_kommentarer.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 148 else {if (sensorEVEN == 1){}else {lysskifte();}}}delay(time);} | 0.99 | |
37 | 10-Nov-2013 | 10 | GettingStarted.ino | Cannot Evaluate const char * Line: Line: 25 void blink(int times) | 0.99 | |
38 | 10-Nov-2013 | 82 | AK_AT30TS75.ino | Unknown command: i2cWrite16(0x02, 0x1D00) Line: Line: 105 i2cWrite16(0x02, 0x1D00); | 0.99 | |
39 | 10-Nov-2013 | 33 | Blink_prima_prova.ino | Unknown command: If (Tempo>(down)) { Line: Line: 33 If (Tempo>(down)) { | 0.99 | |
40 | 10-Nov-2013 | 23 | sketch_Temperatura.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 23 Temp=(1/(a b * logRt c * pow(logRt,2) d * pow(logRt,3))-celsius) ; | 0.99 | |
41 | 10-Nov-2013 | 12 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: \\ if (sensor_1 == HIGH){ Line: Line: 12 if (sensor_1 == HIGH){ | 0.99 | |
42 | 11-Nov-2013 | 15 | 3 LedFORFOR.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line: Line: 15 } | 0.99 | |
43 | 11-Nov-2013 | 14 | Free Version MultiCopterLightControl.ino | Unknown command: WS2811, LED_PIN, GRB Line: Line: 33 LEDS.addLeds | 0.99 | |
44 | 11-Nov-2013 | 16 | Free Version Blink.ino | Unknown command: new A() Line: Line: 16 a=new A(); | 0.99 | |
45 | 11-Nov-2013 | 12 | barGraph.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 12 if(upDown==1){ // , | 0.99 | |
46 | 11-Nov-2013 | 29 | WT12A.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 29 while (Serial.available()) { // check if data has been sent from the computer: | 0.99 | |
47 | 12-Nov-2013 | 32 | Free Version Fade.ino | Unknown command: darkVar if (brightness == 0 Line: Line: 32 if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) { | 0.99 | |
48 | 12-Nov-2013 | 40 | Sauhus_timer.ino | Unknown command: 14,0762463343109 Line: Line: 40 float minutes = sensorValue * (14400.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99 | |
49 | 12-Nov-2013 | 10 | Test_jn.ino | Unknown command: println(osS Line: Line: 10 Derial.println(osS.charAt(3)); | 0.99 | |
50 | 13-Nov-2013 | 59 | 5 LCD.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 59 if (Serial.available()) { // check if data has been sent from the computer: | 0.99 | |
51 | 13-Nov-2013 | 23 | Free Version 001.ino | Unknown command: void sviet() Line: Line: 23 void sviet() | 0.99 | |
52 | 14-Nov-2013 | 46 | code13.ino | Unknown command: 866158094405463 * Line: Line: 46 0046 x_G[2] = (cos (anpha)) * (-c0/2) - (sin (anpha))*(-b0/2); | 0.99 | |
53 | 14-Nov-2013 | 80 | code13.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 80 0080 if (((G_Dy[i]>= y_G[i]) | 0.99 | |
54 | 14-Nov-2013 | 55 | randomwires.ino | Unknown command: newnum: int numAleatorio Line: Line: 55 int numAleatorio; | 0.99 | |
55 | 14-Nov-2013 | 56 | code13.ino | Unknown command: 9862061585861/ Line: Line: 56 0056 ax[1] = ( y_G[2] - y_G[1])/(x_G[2] - x_G[1]); | 0.99 | |
56 | 14-Nov-2013 | 11 | Free Version toneMelody.ino | Unknown command: playNote(SPEAKER1,frequency,250) Line: Line: 11 playNote(SPEAKER1,frequency,250); | 0.99 | |
57 | 16-Nov-2013 | 57 | Versuch2.ino | Unknown command: analogWrite(11 , Geschwindigkeitnull Line: Line: 57 {analogWrite(11 , Geschwindigkeitnull | 0.99 | |
58 | 16-Nov-2013 | 128 | Free Version Versuch2.ino | Unknown command: start: delay(1000) Line: Line: 128 delay(1000); | 0.99 | |
59 | 16-Nov-2013 | 129 | Free Version Versuch2.ino | Unknown command: start: delay(1000) Line: Line: 129 delay(1000); | 0.99 | |
60 | 16-Nov-2013 | 16 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 204,7998046875-55 Line: Line: 16 temperatura = ((freq * 205)/1024.0)-55; | 0.99 | |
61 | 16-Nov-2013 | 28 | Controle de temperatura.ino | Unknown command: 1,0004 Line: Line: 28 temperatura = (valorLido * 0.00488); | 0.99 | |
62 | 16-Nov-2013 | 97 | Verdrahtung.ino | Unknown command: 0[0 Line: Line: 97 else if (arrayDist[n i]>minDist){ //suchen 1 Schritt nach rechts | 0.99 | |
63 | 16-Nov-2013 | 420 | test_inter.ino | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99 | |
64 | 16-Nov-2013 | 30 | Free Version Porti_V2.pde | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 30 while(1){ //tin motor pornit pana la declansare switch | 0.99 | |
65 | 16-Nov-2013 | 308 | Dougs_till.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 308 while(1){ // endless loop | 0.99 | |
66 | 16-Nov-2013 | 40 | SerialEvent.ino | Typo?: try analogRead(..) Line: Line: 40 ValueInput = AnalogRead(TemperaturePin); | 0.99 | |
67 | 16-Nov-2013 | 16 | Free Version trab1.ino | Unknown command: output_low(pin_c0) Line: Line: 2 output_low(pin_c0); | 0.99 | |
68 | 16-Nov-2013 | 14 | Free Version trab1.ino | Unknown command: output_high(pin_c0) Line: Line: 14 output_high(pin_c0); | 0.99 | |
69 | 17-Nov-2013 | 10 | Blink_8-12.ino | Undefined pin state 9 Line: Line: 10 pinMode(8,9,10,11,12 OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
70 | 17-Nov-2013 | 8 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: void s_1() { Line: Line: 8 void s_1() { | 0.99 | |
71 | 18-Nov-2013 | 60 | SIM!_DHT_LED_ON_OFF_HYST_BUTTONS_RELAY_COLD_SWITCH2_0.ino | Unknown command: isnan(temperature) Line: Line: 60 if (isnan(temperature) || isnan(humidity)) { | 0.99 | |
72 | 18-Nov-2013 | 420 | transmitter[1].pde | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99 | |
73 | 18-Nov-2013 | 56 | Free Version Fade_ofer.ino | Unknown command: b0 digitalWrite(0, b0) Line: Line: 25 digitalWrite(0, b0); | 0.99 | |
74 | 18-Nov-2013 | 52 | Free Version Fade_ofer.ino | Unknown command: displayBinary(counter) Line: Line: 52 displayBinary(counter); | 0.99 | |
75 | 19-Nov-2013 | 82 | scheduler01.ino | Unknown command: Line: Line: 82 sch->step(); | 0.99 | |
76 | 19-Nov-2013 | 119 | cycle_computer_3.ino | Unknown command: magnet is NOT in range of reed SensorPin Line: Line: 119 if (val==LOW) { // check whether input is LOW (magnet is NOT in range of reed SensorPin) | 0.99 | |
77 | 19-Nov-2013 | 46 | eeprom_clear.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value) Line: Line: 46 eeprom_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value); | 0.99 | |
78 | 20-Nov-2013 | 29 | Free Version test.ino | Unknown command: led_rgb_set(0, 0, 0) Line: Line: 29 led_rgb_set(0, 0, 0); // LED off | 0.99 | |
79 | 20-Nov-2013 | 39 | Free Version test.ino | Unknown command: strcpy_c Line: Line: 39 strcpy_P(outLine,bootProcessHeader1); | 0.99 | |
80 | 20-Nov-2013 | 64 | model_program.ino | Unknown command: 243,514244787522 Line: Line: 64 speed = (int)(255.0*otacky/300.0); //rozsah 0-255 odpovida 0-10V odpovida 0-300ot/min | 0.99 | |
81 | 20-Nov-2013 | 40 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: unescapeBuf() Line: Line: 40 byte[] a = unescapeBuf(); | 0.99 | |
82 | 21-Nov-2013 | 33 | chrslts_v3.ino | Unknown command: button released Line: Line: 33 if (val == HIGH) { // check if the input is HIGH (button released) | 0.99 | |
83 | 21-Nov-2013 | 54 | Free Version JoystickMouseControl.ino | Unknown command: delay 100000 Line: Line: 54 delay 100000; | 0.99 | |
84 | 21-Nov-2013 | 64 | Bridge_Nano_Stepper_ino.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 64 if (digitalRead(ButtonUp) == LOW) { //ButtonUp A2 | 0.99 | |
85 | 21-Nov-2013 | 17 | temp___vent1.ino | Unknown command: cambiar numero en funcion de lo que se desee Line: Line: 17 if (temperatura < 20){//cambiar numero en funcion de lo que se desee | 0.99 | |
86 | 21-Nov-2013 | 161 | mlink_sensor.ino | Unknown command: 0,18310546875 Line: Line: 161 wert[0] = (analogRead(2) - korr_0) * (93.75 / 512.0); | 0.99 | |
87 | 22-Nov-2013 | 18 | serial_inferface.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 2 if (command > 47 ){ //char | 0.99 | |
88 | 23-Nov-2013 | 9 | lm35.pde | Unknown command: 4,99224 Line: Line: 9 temperatura = (valorLido * 0.00488); | 0.99 | |
89 | 23-Nov-2013 | 65 | sketch_nov04a.ino | Cannot Evaluate atoi(str) Line: Line: 65 int jaar = atoi(str); | 0.99 | |
90 | 23-Nov-2013 | 10 | lcd2.ino | Unknown command: ” Line: Line: 10 lcd.print(“Hello SHAKTHIMAN!”); | 0.99 | |
91 | 23-Nov-2013 | 58 | GettingStarted.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 58 0058 r = ((f)>=0?(int)((f) 0.5):(int)((f)-0.5)); | 0.99 | |
92 | 24-Nov-2013 | 60 | Audi_A4_SSA_Disable_Unit.ino | Unknown command: Break Line: Line: 60 Break; | 0.99 | |
93 | 24-Nov-2013 | 47 | v0_2.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 47 if (Serial.available() > 0) { //если пришли данные | 0.99 | |
94 | 24-Nov-2013 | 166 | cocktailbar_neu.ino | Unknown command: MikrosekundenZuZentimeter(dauer) Line: Line: 166 PosAkt = MikrosekundenZuZentimeter(dauer); | 0.99 | |
95 | 24-Nov-2013 | 60 | cocktailbar_neu.ino | Unknown command: 17,3441605213514 Line: Line: 60 PosAkt = MikrosekundenZuZentimeter(dauer); | 0.99 | |
96 | 24-Nov-2013 | 10 | Free Version Blink-RKR.ino | Unknown command: pineMode 0 Line: Line: 10 pineMode (A0, INPUT); | 0.99 | |
97 | 25-Nov-2013 | 16 | Scheduler2.ino | Unknown command: alarmRepeat(17,45,0,EveningAlarm) Line: Line: 16 Alarm.alarmRepeat(17,45,0,EveningAlarm); // 5:45pm every day | 0.99 | |
98 | 25-Nov-2013 | 59 | HelloWorld.ino | Cannot Evaluate lcd.print(millis()/1000); Line: Line: 59 lcd.print(millis()/1000); | 0.99 | |
99 | 25-Nov-2013 | 6 | sketch_oct28a.ino | Unknown command: greenLed OUTPUT Line: Line: 6 pinMode(greenLed OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
100 | 25-Nov-2013 | 34 | gearshifter.ino | Unknown command: void gearupchanger(int numChanges){ Line: Line: 34 void gearupchanger(int numChanges){ | 0.99 | |
101 | 25-Nov-2013 | 17 | alarmavr2.pde | Unknown command: void ON(){ Line: Line: 17 void ON(){ | 0.99 | |
102 | 26-Nov-2013 | 70 | Free Version capacimetro2.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 70 while(analogRead(analogPin) > 0){ // wait until capacitor is completely discharged | 0.99 | |
103 | 26-Nov-2013 | 37 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 37 if (trigger_state == HIGH) { //If Trigger Input HIGH, | 0.99 | |
104 | 27-Nov-2013 | 12 | Free Version Button7.ino | Unknown command: void out(char d) Line: Line: 12 void out(char d) | 0.99 | |
105 | 27-Nov-2013 | 13 | Scroll_current.ino | Don_Duckling Line: Line: 13 lcd.print(Don_Duckling); | 0.99 | |
106 | 28-Nov-2013 | 6 | sketch_nov26a.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 132 GripperASIO::GripperASIO(int Rx, int Tx, int baud) { | 0.99 | |
107 | 28-Nov-2013 | 15 | Solution411.ino | Unknown command: 5Off Line: Line: 39 OrangeVoiture ; delay (DureeOrange); | 0.99 | |
108 | 28-Nov-2013 | 21 | Solution411.ino | Unknown command: 5Off Line: Line: 21 Led1Off; Led2Off; | 0.99 | |
109 | 29-Nov-2013 | 21 | Mus_e.ino | Unknown command: 5Off Line: Line: 21 Led1Off; | 0.99 | |
110 | 29-Nov-2013 | 120 | FlowerMat.ino | Test Line: Line: 120 displayLine(0, \"Test\"); | 0.99 | |
111 | 29-Nov-2013 | 21 | MODBUSslave.pde | Unknown command: setId(1) Line: Line: 21 regBank.setId(1); | 0.99 | |
112 | 30-Nov-2013 | 126 | ArduinoISP.ino | Unknown command: avrisp() Line: Line: 69 avrisp(); | 0.99 | |
113 | 30-Nov-2013 | 60 | LCD.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 60 if (analogRead(switch1)<10) { // check switch1 left | 0.99 | |
114 | 30-Nov-2013 | 23 | sketch_conteggio.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 23 if (state != oldstate){ //if state changes: | 0.99 | |
115 | 30-Nov-2013 | 70 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: toCharArray(val,5) Line: Line: 70 parestr.toCharArray(val,5); | 0.99 | |
116 | 01-Dec-2013 | 104 | Speed_test_2.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 104 if (DOF2_Pos) > 0) | 0.99 | |
117 | 01-Dec-2013 | 108 | Speed_test_2.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 108 if (DOF2_Pos) < 0) | 0.99 | |
118 | 01-Dec-2013 | 37 | Arduino_Assignment_6.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 37 if (switchState == LOW){ // If button is not pressed: | 0.99 | |
119 | 01-Dec-2013 | 946 | Rotator_controller_ipq_2013091101b02_TESTBUTTON.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM() Line: Line: 946 read_settings_from_eeprom(); | 0.99 | |
120 | 01-Dec-2013 | 17 | Free Version __.ino | Unknown command: begin(115200) Line: Line: 17 Serial.begin(115200); //Initialize serial communication with Bluetooth module at 115200 btu. | 0.99 | |
121 | 01-Dec-2013 | 17 | Free Version 1.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 137 0017 Serial.begin(9600); //Initialize serial communication with Bluetooth module at 9600 btu. | 0.99 | |
122 | 02-Dec-2013 | 7 | Free Version sketch_oct23a.ino | Unknown command: void draw() { Line: Line: 7 void draw() { | 0.99 | |
123 | 03-Dec-2013 | 40 | THC_teste_Marvim.ino | Unknown command: 206,298828125 Line: Line: 40 vin = (vout * 50); | 0.99 | |
124 | 03-Dec-2013 | 45 | Free Version calibration.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(sensorPin) Line: Line: 45 sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); | 0.99 | |
125 | 03-Dec-2013 | 105 | last1_tune_Perfect.ino | Unknown command: NormalizeData(Data) Line: Line: 105 DataValueR=NormalizeData(Data); | 0.99 | |
126 | 03-Dec-2013 | 15 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0 A1 Line: Line: 15 if(A0>A1){ | 0.99 | |
127 | 04-Dec-2013 | 10 | Free Version Example 2 LedChaser.ino | Unknown command: begin(16,2) Line: Line: 10 lcd.begin(16,2); | 0.99 | |
128 | 04-Dec-2013 | 104 | 01.pde | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Line: Line: 104 bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99 | |
129 | 04-Dec-2013 | 2 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 6 serial.begin(9600); | 0.99 | |
130 | 04-Dec-2013 | 35 | F0771708.ino | Unknown command: 0X00 Line: Line: -1 0035 uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00; | 0.99 | |
131 | 04-Dec-2013 | 126 | Map1_1.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(Switch3) Line: Line: 126 int val3 = analogRead(Switch3); | 0.99 | |
132 | 05-Dec-2013 | 767 | AlarmProg8.ino | Typo?: try delay(..) Line: Line: 767 void PrtDelay(String SS) { | 0.99@.3 | |
133 | 05-Dec-2013 | 769 | AlarmProg8.ino | Typo?: try delay(..) Line: Line: 769 void PrtDelay(String SS) { | 0.99@.3 | |
134 | 06-Dec-2013 | 31 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: void move(boolean dir) Line: Line: 31 void move(boolean dir) | 0.99 | |
135 | 06-Dec-2013 | 23 | Test_ino.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 23 if (ledMetro.check() == 1) { // check if the metro has passed its interval . | 0.99 | |
136 | 06-Dec-2013 | 28 | test_static3.ino | Label1 Line:Label2 | 0.99 | |
137 | 06-Dec-2013 | 210 | FinalCode.ino | Unknown command: 0XFE Line: Line: 210 DATA_0; | 0.99 | |
138 | 06-Dec-2013 | 35 | BluetoothKonfig.ino | Unknown command: 0X00 Line: Line: -1 uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00; | 0.99 | |
139 | 06-Dec-2013 | 38 | p6_7_mejoras_control_de_temperatura.pde | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 38 if (estado == 1) { // si está a ON | 0.99 | |
140 | 06-Dec-2013 | 27 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0,3564453125 * 5000 Line: Line: 27 float millivolts = (value / 1024.0) * 5000; | 0.99 | |
141 | 06-Dec-2013 | 133 | Semaforo_While_Build_1.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 17 while (((val1!=HIGH) | 0.99 | |
142 | 07-Dec-2013 | 33 | Free Version ThirdLCD.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682*analogRead(sensor) Line: Line: 33 spannung = (5.0/1023)*analogRead(sensor); | 0.99 | |
143 | 07-Dec-2013 | 35 | ThirdLCD.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682*helper Line: Line: 35 spannung = (5.0/1023)*helper; | 0.99 | |
144 | 07-Dec-2013 | 138 | Semaforo_While_Build_2.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 14 while (((val1!=HIGH) | 0.99 | |
145 | 08-Dec-2013 | 10 | Free Version encender apagar led.ino | Typo?: try digitalWrite(..) Line: Line: 10 digitalwrite(led,HIGH); | 0.99 | |
146 | 09-Dec-2013 | 25 | SwitchMachine.ino | Unknown command: attach(9) Line: Line: 25 servoOne.attach(9); //attach servos to pins | 0.99 | |
147 | 09-Dec-2013 | 24 | MultiSerialMega.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 24 1 Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99 | |
148 | 09-Dec-2013 | 24 | Free Version MultiSerialMega.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 24 1 Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99 | |
149 | 09-Dec-2013 | 10 | Free Version keywords.ino | Unknown command: put your setup code here, to run once: ode(4,OUTPUT) Line: Line: 10 0010 ode(4,OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
150 | 10-Dec-2013 | 37 | temperatura_lm35.ino | Unknown command: 62,5 Line: Line: 37 media= (somma/8.0); //calcolo del valore medio di 8 rilievi | 0.99 | |
151 | 10-Dec-2013 | 39 | ledSerialCom.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 39 if ( incomingByte == \'a\' || (incomingByte >= \'0\' | 0.99 | |
152 | 11-Dec-2013 | 33 | LedMemoryGame.ino | Unknown command: void startTimer(void){ Line: Line: 33 void startTimer(void){ | 0.99 | |
153 | 12-Dec-2013 | 43 | Compact.ino | Unknown command: count Line: Line: 43 for(count; count < pinCount; count ) { | 0.99 | |
154 | 12-Dec-2013 | 46 | gouttes.c | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 46 if (buttonState == LOW) { // bouton activé | 0.99 | |
155 | 12-Dec-2013 | 41 | Blink.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_read_byte((unsigned char *) address) Line: Line: 41 return eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char *) address); | 0.99 | |
156 | 14-Dec-2013 | 25 | ISRBlink.ino | Unknown command: _BV(WGM13) Line: Line: 25 TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13); // set mode as phase and frequency correct pwm, stop the timer | 0.99 | |
157 | 14-Dec-2013 | 62 | p04_ColorMixingLamp.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(blueSensorPin) Line: Line: 62 blueSensorValue = analogRead(blueSensorPin); | 0.99 | |
158 | 14-Dec-2013 | 22 | Barcode.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 22 while (Serial.available()) { // check for data from barcode scanner | 0.99 | |
159 | 17-Dec-2013 | 17 | button.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 17 if (val == HIGH) { // check if the input is HIGH | 0.99 | |
160 | 17-Dec-2013 | 17 | Free Version button.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 17 if (val == 1) { // check if the input is HIGH | 0.99 | |
161 | 18-Dec-2013 | 36 | TCP_Arduino.ino | Unknown command: void LED() Line: Line: 36 void LED() | 0.99 | |
162 | 18-Dec-2013 | 23 | ch6r1.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 23 if (digitalRead(tiltSensorPin)){ //check if the pin is high | 0.99 | |
163 | 19-Dec-2013 | 93 | TestBed.ino | maxTemp Line: Line: 92 \'maxTemp\', \'minTemp\', \'hourFormat\', \'start1Hr\', \'start1Min\', \'stop1Hr\', \'stop1Min\', \'shart2Hr\', \'start2Min\', \'stop2Hr\', \'stop2Min\' } ; | 0.99 | |
164 | 19-Dec-2013 | 30 | Blink.ino | Unknown command: 0 for (int i=0 Line: Line: 30 for (int i=0; i <= 2; i ){ | 0.99 | |
165 | 20-Dec-2013 | 42 | Free Version Button.ino | Unknown command: de(53, OUTPUT) Line: Line: 42 pinMode(53, OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
166 | 20-Dec-2013 | 17 | Analog_Input_to_LCD.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(sensorPin) Line: Line: 17 sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the value from the poti | 0.99A | |
167 | 20-Dec-2013 | 62 | generador.ino | Cannot Evaluate HandleStartingState() Line: Line: 62 HandleStartingState(); | 0.99A | |
168 | 20-Dec-2013 | 10 | sketch_dec18a.ino | Unknown command: 0,628543499511241*5000 Line: Line: 10 temperature=(((temperature/1023)*5000)/10)-273; | 0.99A | |
169 | 21-Dec-2013 | 19 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 19 float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
170 | 21-Dec-2013 | 25 | termostato.ino | Unknown command: 0,89912109375/ 5 32 Line: Line: 12 lcd.print((celsius * 9)/ 5 32); | 0.99A | |
171 | 21-Dec-2013 | 0 | Gett.ino | Unknown command: 26} Line: Line: 0 int sfd[3]={22,24,26}, ufd[3]={23,25,27}, vel[3]={10,11,12}; | 0.99A | |
172 | 22-Dec-2013 | 13 | LED_D.ino | Unknown command: } Line: Line: 13 { int remote_val=remote(); | 0.99 | |
173 | 22-Dec-2013 | 14 | vlad_la_masina.ino | Unknown command: temp_1 () Line: Line: 0 int temp1 = temp_1 (); | 0.99A | |
174 | 22-Dec-2013 | 14 | Free Version vlad_la_masina.ino | Unknown command: tempp1() Line: Line: 0 int temp1 = tempp1(); | 0.99A | |
175 | 22-Dec-2013 | 21 | Free Version vlad_la_masina.ino | Typo?: try millis(..) Line: Line: 21 tmp1=Millis(); | 0.99A | |
176 | 22-Dec-2013 | 61 | Free Version sketch_dec22a.ino | Unknown command: sbi (TCCR1B, CS10) Line: Line: 61 sbi (TCCR1B, CS10); | 0.99A | |
177 | 22-Dec-2013 | 59 | Free Version p03_LoveOMeter.ino | Unknown command: 0,11328125 * 100 Line: Line: 59 temperature = (voltage - .5) * 100; | 0.99A | |
178 | 22-Dec-2013 | 25 | ISRBlink.pde | Unknown command: _BV(WGM13) Line: Line: 25 TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13); // set mode as phase and frequency correct pwm, stop the timer | 0.99 | |
179 | 22-Dec-2013 | 17 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 17 } | 0.99A | |
180 | 23-Dec-2013 | 26 | Free Version SerialCallResponse.ino | Unknown command: temperature Line: Line: 26 } | 0.99A | |
181 | 23-Dec-2013 | 13 | | Unknown command: digitWrite(ena, HIGH) Line: Line: 13 digitWrite(ena, HIGH); | 0.99A | |
182 | 23-Dec-2013 | 25 | pwm.ino | Unknown command: _BV(WGM13) Line: Line: 25 TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13); // set mode as phase and frequency correct pwm, stop the timer | 0.99 | |
183 | 23-Dec-2013 | 134 | neww boro.ino | Unknown command: motorAOn() Line: Line: 134 motorAOn(); | 0.99A | |
184 | 23-Dec-2013 | 16 | Free Version motorsturingv1.ino | Cannot Evaluate x=digitalRead(2) Line: Line: 16 x=digitalRead(2); | 0.99A | |
185 | 26-Dec-2013 | 8 | MultipleLcd.ino | Unknown command: init() Line: Line: 8 lcd1.init(); // initialize the first lcd | 0.99A | |
186 | 26-Dec-2013 | 217 | projectBubblesIntervalTest_3_test.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 217 0217 bitSet(dataArray3New[i][x-(j 1)], k); | 0.99A | |
187 | 26-Dec-2013 | 22 | DHT22_Lettura.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line: Line: 22 dht.begin(); | 0.99A | |
188 | 26-Dec-2013 | 5 | For.ino | Unknown command: print(thisLED) Line: Line: 5 print(thisLED); | 0.99A | |
189 | 26-Dec-2013 | 28 | Example 4 Graphics.ino | Label1 Line:Label2 | 0.99A | |
190 | 26-Dec-2013 | 38 | contagiri.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 38 encoder= float(QEM [Old * 4 New]); | 0.99A | |
191 | 27-Dec-2013 | 69 | DataloggerV5.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 69 voltageAnalog[i] = sensorValueA[i] * (5.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
192 | 28-Dec-2013 | 11 | Free Version Blink5.ino | Unknown command: 0 pinMode(13, OUTPUT) Line: Line: 11 pinMode(13, OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
193 | 28-Dec-2013 | 476 | PB_Bmbv21.ino | 4 Line: Line: 152 if (RFID.find(\"4\")) { | 0.99A.2 | |
194 | 28-Dec-2013 | 476 | PB_Bmbv21Knopf.ino | Unknown command: case 1: if (digitalRead(KMinute)==LOW) { Line: Line: 152 if (digitalRead(KMinute)==LOW) { | 0.99A.2 | |
195 | 28-Dec-2013 | 101 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 4,4951171875 * 100 Line: Line: 101 float temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ; //converting from 10 mv per degree wit 500 mV offset | 0.99A | |
196 | 29-Dec-2013 | 76 | rising_and_falling_light_controlled_speed_nodelay.ino | Typo?: try millis(..) Line: Line: 76 0076 testtime = Millis(); | 0.99A | |
197 | 29-Dec-2013 | 514 | Pgm_0_24DEV.ino | Unknown command: 1022,411483254*koef[i] Line: Line: 514 temp[i]=((ain-offset[i])*koef[i]) lowtemp[i]; | 0.99A | |
198 | 30-Dec-2013 | 17 | test array.ino | Line: Line: 0 }; | 0.99A | |
199 | 31-Dec-2013 | 50 | Test.ino | Unknown command: setCursor(0, 0) Line: Line: 50 lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // AttÄ“loÅanas kursors Pt zÄ«mes vietÄ | 0.99A | |
200 | 31-Dec-2013 | 15 | Rover.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(trigger_pin) Line: Line: 15 _triggerBit = digitalPinToBitMask(trigger_pin); // Get the port register bitmask for the trigger pin. | 0.99A | |
201 | 31-Dec-2013 | 7 | blink.ino | Unknown command: digitakWrite(led,state) Line: Line: 7 digitakWrite(led,state); | 0.99 | |
202 | 31-Dec-2013 | 420 | SevSeg_Counter.ino | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99A | |
203 | 01-Jan-2014 | 36 | MCS2000_OLED_Optimized_icons_mod_pins_2db_WORKS_dec27.ino | arrowuP Line: Line: 0 }; | 0.99A | |
204 | 02-Jan-2014 | 420 | lcd_advanced_nav.ino | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99A | |
205 | 02-Jan-2014 | 19 | Stepper_oneStepAtATime.ino | Unknown command: setSpeed(50) Line: Line: 19 stepper.setSpeed(50); | 0.99 | |
206 | 02-Jan-2014 | 84 | Free Version Volvon_arduino_ohjelma_ver__0_1.ino | Unable to find label: vilkkuprg: Line: Line: 84 goto vilkkuprg;} | 0.99A | |
207 | 02-Jan-2014 | 535 | Pgm_0_24DEV.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 535 o2value=map(ain,o2measures[i],o2measures[i-11],0,4); | 0.99A.3 | |
208 | 02-Jan-2014 | 16 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: print(millis()) Line: Line: 16 Serial.print(millis()); | 0.99A | |
209 | 02-Jan-2014 | 104 | rzjmz.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Line: Line: 104 bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99A | |
210 | 02-Jan-2014 | 47 | adimuz.ino | Unknown command: 0,777549623545517 Line: Line: 47 delta = .409279 * sin(2 * pi * ((284 n)/365.25));//SUN\'S DECLINATION. | 0.99A | |
211 | 02-Jan-2014 | 49 | adimuz.ino | Unknown command: 1,038 Line: Line: 49 h = (FindH(day,month2)) longitude (timezone * -1 * 15);//FINDS THE NOON HOUR ANGLE ON THE TABLE AND MODIFIES IT FOR THE USER\'S OWN LOCATION AND TIME ZONE. | 0.99A | |
212 | 02-Jan-2014 | 41 | SimpleAudioPlayer.ino | Unknown command: begin(88200, 100) Line: Line: 41 Audio.begin(88200, 100); | 0.99A | |
213 | 03-Jan-2014 | 51 | Smoothing.ino | Cannot Evaluate total= total readings[index] Line: Line: 51 total= total readings[index]; | 0.99A | |
214 | 03-Jan-2014 | 195 | Essai_platine_V9.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 190 if (micros() >= timelectureana) { // fin de période d\'échantillonage des entrées analogiques | 0.99 | |
215 | 04-Jan-2014 | 15 | Free Version Blink.ino | Unknown command: thne Line: Line: 15 if (digitalRead(10)) thne | 0.99A | |
216 | 05-Jan-2014 | 147 | Button.ino | Unknown command: void OFFcommand() Line: Line: 147 void OFFcommand() | 0.99 | |
217 | 06-Jan-2014 | 13 | Test.ino | %lu Line: Line: 13 sprintf(FILENAME,%lu,TIME_ABS/60); | 0.99A | |
218 | 07-Jan-2014 | 28 | Free Version eeprom_write.ino | Unknown command: write(addr, val) Line: Line: 28 EEPROM.write(addr, val); | 0.99A | |
219 | 07-Jan-2014 | 52 | LM.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.print(temp); Line: Line: 52 Serial.print(temp); | 0.99A | |
220 | 07-Jan-2014 | 23 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: “Arduino project” Line: Line: 23 lcd.print(“Arduino project”); | 0.99A | |
221 | 08-Jan-2014 | 95 | test_receive.ino | Cannot Evaluate code_Action = CMD_Mal_Ech2 Line: Line: 95 code_Action = CMD_Mal_Ech2; // mot de commande pour demande lecture | 0.99A | |
222 | 08-Jan-2014 | 8 | Free Version HeadsOrTail.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line: Line: 8 pinmode(heads, OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
223 | 08-Jan-2014 | 57 | Free Version test6_LightsBlinkttt.ino | Unknown command: case 3: digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH) Line: Line: 57 digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH); | 0.99A | |
224 | 09-Jan-2014 | 21 | ReadAnalogVoltage.ino | Catastrophic error - exiting; Line: Line: 21 Serial.println(voltage); | 0.99A.5 | |
225 | 09-Jan-2014 | 10 | Blink.ino | 3 Line: Line: 10 pinMode(13, OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
226 | 10-Jan-2014 | 69 | miniuniversialsimulation.ino | Unknown command: case 2: { Line: Line: 69 { | 0.99A | |
227 | 10-Jan-2014 | 30 | Example 4 Graphics.ino | Label1 Line:Label2 | 0.99A | |
228 | 10-Jan-2014 | 8 | SerialCallResponse1.ino | hay Line: Line: 8 Serial.printLN(\"hay\") | 0.99A | |
229 | 11-Jan-2014 | 13 | Free Version analog Led.ino | Unknown command: 225,8658 Line: Line: 13 brightness = round(analogRead(A0) * x); | 0.99A | |
230 | 11-Jan-2014 | 22 | _8_Cue_Remote.ino | Fire1 Line: Line: 22 if (inputString,Fire1) { | 0.99A | |
231 | 12-Jan-2014 | 16 | Free Version sodar.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(echo_pin) Line: Line: 14 _echoBit = digitalPinToBitMask(echo_pin); // Get the port register bitmask for the echo pin. | 0.99A | |
232 | 12-Jan-2014 | 10 | Sketch_MOG02D_5.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 10 serial.begin(9600); | 0.99A | |
233 | 12-Jan-2014 | 17 | Free Version pokus.ino | a1[c] Line: Line: 0 char animace1[6] = { \'a1[c]\', \'100\', \'a2[c]\', \'75\', \'a3[c]\', \'50\' }; | 0.99A | |
234 | 13-Jan-2014 | 23 | sketch_jan03a.ino | Cannot Evaluate i Line: Line: 23 for ( i = 0; i < 16; i ); | 0.99A | |
235 | 13-Jan-2014 | 31 | test.ino | Unknown command: 89,7541666666667 Line: Line: 31 StarSpdStepSec = (float)StepsPerTurn / ((float)(StarSpdSec / GearReduction)); //2,228308806462095 | 0.99A | |
236 | 13-Jan-2014 | 33 | Free Version WebServerbibi.ino | Unknown command: available() Line: Line: 33 EthernetClient client = server.available(); // à partir Arduino 1.0 | 0.99A | |
237 | 14-Jan-2014 | 6 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0{/ Line: Line: 6 0006 ( int i=3; i<=12; i ){//diody | 0.99 | |
238 | 14-Jan-2014 | 9 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: pinLed (HIGH) Line: Line: 9 pinLed (HIGH); | 0.99A | |
239 | 14-Jan-2014 | 40 | Misuratore_di_velocit_.ino | Unknown command: 1,5 Line: Line: 40 vel=(float)tempo/(1.5); | 0.99A | |
240 | 15-Jan-2014 | 27 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: contador Line: Line: 27 EEPROM.write(1,int contador); //Incrementa el contador | 0.99A | |
241 | 15-Jan-2014 | 11 | splitter_test.ino | < Line: Line: 11 if (dataserial.startsWith(\'<\')) { | 0.99A | |
242 | 15-Jan-2014 | 49 | MAX6675_gleitender_Mittelwert_01.ino | Unknown command: 31,75 / Teiler Line: Line: 49 Mittelwert = (Temp/4.0 Mittelwert * Filterfaktor) / Teiler; | 0.99 | |
243 | 16-Jan-2014 | 227 | esclave1_03_debug.ino | Unknown command: 60,3608 zero[i] Line: Line: 227 MesTp[i] = ((float(tempMesure[i])) * ech[i]) zero[i]; | 0.99 | |
244 | 16-Jan-2014 | 40 | AnalogInput.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(sensorPin) Line: Line: 40 sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); | 0.99A | |
245 | 16-Jan-2014 | 8 | pwm.ino | Unknown command: _BV(COM2A0) Line: Line: 8 TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A0) | _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20); | 0.99A | |
246 | 16-Jan-2014 | 160 | sketch_midifootcontroller.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 160 currName = nameset[currprog-1]; | 0.99A | |
247 | 16-Jan-2014 | 60 | Free Version HelloWorld.ino | Unknown command: available() Line: Line: 60 while (Serial.available() > 0) { | 0.99A | |
248 | 17-Jan-2014 | 21 | prova.ino | Unknown command: 8, true Line: Line: 21 ch1=8, true and 9, false and 10, false and 11, false and 12, false and 13, false; | 0.99A | |
249 | 18-Jan-2014 | 61 | SerialCallResponse1.ino | Unknown command: available()) { Line: Line: 61 if (Serial.available()) { | 0.99A | |
250 | 18-Jan-2014 | 100 | Free Version test.ino | Cannot Evaluate CASOVAC() Line: Line: 100 0100 CASOVAC(); //Testuje, zdali nevyprsi cas pro zastaveni cerpadla | 0.99A | |
251 | 18-Jan-2014 | 30 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: available() Line: Line: 30 EthernetClient client = server.available(); | 0.99A | |
252 | 18-Jan-2014 | 43 | K_Vinator.ino | Unknown command: 6,92951677076365 Line: Line: 43 ctemperature=1/(log(resistance/10000)/B 1/298.15)-273.15; | 0.99A | |
253 | 19-Jan-2014 | 1 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: DEC 200 Line: Line: 0 int c=DEC 200; | 0.99A | |
254 | 19-Jan-2014 | 17 | ReadAnalogVoltage.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 17 Serial.println(time_t now(10.03.2014 21:05)); | 0.99A | |
255 | 20-Jan-2014 | 28 | Incubator.ino | Unknown command: 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 Line: Line: -1 const uint8_t daysInMonth [] PROGMEM = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; | 0.99A | |
256 | 21-Jan-2014 | 19 | cancersalvador.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 0 } | 0.99A | |
257 | 21-Jan-2014 | 75 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: printf( min) Line: Line: 75 printf( min); | 0.99A | |
258 | 22-Jan-2014 | 118 | test_envoi.ino | Unknown command: union zone{ Line: Line: 118 union zone{ | 0.99A | |
259 | 22-Jan-2014 | 14 | Free Version AnalogReadSerial.ino | Il valore dell\'ingresso Line: Line: 14 Serial.println(\"Ilvaloredell\'ingresso\" sensorValue); | 0.99A | |
260 | 22-Jan-2014 | 64 | SUMOBOT_MAX.ino | Unknown command: case 2: moveServos Line: Line: 64 0064 moveServos(servoRightFwd, servoLeftRev, revReps);moveServos(servoRightFwd, servoLeftRev, revReps);moveServos(servoRightFwd, servoLeftRev, revReps);moveServos(servoRightFwd, servoLeftRev, revReps);moveServos(servoRightFwd, servoLeftRev, revReps); | 0.99A | |
261 | 23-Jan-2014 | 72 | GettingStarted.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 72 dataString = \"!,\" String(measurementDuration) \",\" String(x1) \",\" String(y1) \",\" String(z1) \",\" String(x2) \",\" String(y2) \",\" String(z2) \",\" String(x3) \",\" String(y3) \",\" String(z3) \",\" String(x4) \",\" String(y4) \",\" String(z4) \",\" String(x5) \",\" String(y5) \",\" String(z5); | 0.99A | |
262 | 23-Jan-2014 | 21 | Free Version Blink.ino | Unknown command: value=!value if(direction==1) Line: Line: 21 if(direction==1) | 0.99A | |
263 | 23-Jan-2014 | 127 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: read() Line: Line: 127 runNo = | 0.99A | |
264 | 23-Jan-2014 | 5 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: 2d Line: Line: 9 b = 2d; | 0.99A | |
265 | 23-Jan-2014 | 18 | BAM_BAM_pokus_neoverene.ino | Unknown command: ) ) Line: Line: 18 R_brightness = (pow(2, cos(millis() / 500.) ) - 0.5) * (255) / (2 - 0.5); | 0.99A | |
266 | 23-Jan-2014 | 37 | Knock.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 37 Serial.begin(9600); // use the serial port | 0.99 | |
267 | 23-Jan-2014 | 53 | WebServer.ino | Unknown command: control arduino pin if(readString Line: Line: 53 if(readString.indexOf(?lighton) >0)//checks for on | 0.99A | |
268 | 23-Jan-2014 | 56 | k2.txt | Unknown command: 0,777956341490182 Line: Line: 56 temperature=1/(log(resistance/10000)/B 1/298.15)-273.15;//convert to temperature via datasheet ; | 0.99A | |
269 | 23-Jan-2014 | 69 | MIDI.ino | Unknown command: 0X7F Line: Line: 27 void midicmd(int cmd, int pitch, int velocity) { | 0.99A | |
270 | 23-Jan-2014 | 35 | Blink.ino | Unknown command: exit(0) Line: Line: 24 exit(0); } | 0.99 | |
271 | 24-Jan-2014 | 17 | 3_fazový_motor_konecna.ino | Unknown command: 0,1,1,1,0,0 Line: Line: 0 int faze1[] = {0,1,1,1,0,0}; | 0.99 | |
272 | 24-Jan-2014 | 20 | BLClevel.ino | Unknown command: While (BLClevel <= consigne) Line: Line: 20 While (BLClevel <= consigne) | 0.99A | |
273 | 24-Jan-2014 | 9 | test.ino | ?p1=%ld | 0.99A | |
274 | 25-Jan-2014 | 5 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: setSpeed(30) Line: Line: 5 stepper.setSpeed(30); | 0.99A | |
275 | 25-Jan-2014 | 28 | BLClevel.ino | Unknown command: consigne } Line: Line: 28 If (BLClevel > consigne) { BLClevel = consigne } | 0.99A | |
276 | 25-Jan-2014 | 50 | p13_TouchSensorLamp.ino | Unknown command: capacitiveSensor(30) Line: Line: 50 long sensorValue = capSensor.capacitiveSensor(30); | 0.99A | |
277 | 25-Jan-2014 | 25 | Free Version claw test simu.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 25 serial.begin(9600) | 0.99A | |
278 | 25-Jan-2014 | 6 | fun4.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 6 Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99A | |
279 | 25-Jan-2014 | 78 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Cannot Evaluate atoi(aadrs) Line: Line: 78 adrs = atoi(aadrs); | 0.99A | |
280 | 26-Jan-2014 | 19 | Free Version servo.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 19 float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
281 | 27-Jan-2014 | 4 | Free Version registr_tam_a_zpet.ino | Unknown command: vystupni pin[i] Line: Line: 4 { pinMode(vystupni pin[i], OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
282 | 28-Jan-2014 | 82 | pabla.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 82 if ( !Motor1ProgrammRun | 0.99A | |
283 | 28-Jan-2014 | 83 | pabla-test.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 83 if ( !Motor1ProgrammRun | 0.99 | |
284 | 28-Jan-2014 | 32 | seconda_prova.ino | Unknown command: join(ssid, passphrase) Line: Line: 32 if (!WiFly.join(ssid, passphrase)) // WiFly connection to wifi router (ssid) using passphrase, WPA mode. Comment this line if you use WEP 128 bit | 0.99A | |
285 | 28-Jan-2014 | 1 | BlinkWithoutDelay.ino | Unknown command: pinMode(13, OUTPUT) } Line: Line: 1 { pinMode(13, OUTPUT) } | 0.99A | |
286 | 28-Jan-2014 | 56 | Free Version arduino_simon_by_mac1_ino.ino | Unknown command: 0[0 Line: Line: 56 digitalWrite(led[Array[counter_secuence]],HIGH); | 0.99A | |
287 | 28-Jan-2014 | 16 | Free Version Variation.ino | Unknown command: 24] Line: Line: 0 } | 0.99A | |
288 | 29-Jan-2014 | 1 | ArdCrawlARC2 | Unknown Command | ||
289 | 29-Jan-2014 | 420 | ver_04.ino | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99 | |
290 | 29-Jan-2014 | 50 | Free Version Simulator for Arduino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.println(); Line: Line: 50 0050 Serial.println(); | 0.99A | |
291 | 30-Jan-2014 | 14 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Cannot Evaluate i%j Line: Line: 14 if(i%j==0){ | 0.99A | |
292 | 30-Jan-2014 | 12 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: attach(15) Line: Line: 12 servo2.attach(15); //analog pin 1 | 0.99A | |
293 | 30-Jan-2014 | 9 | Procdure BLC_level.ino | Unknown command: BLC_consigne[1] Line: Line: 0 float BLC_level = BLC_consigne[1] ; | 0.99A | |
294 | 30-Jan-2014 | 82 | fun4.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 82 Serial.readBytesUntil(\':\', aadrs, 60); | 0.99A | |
295 | 31-Jan-2014 | 2 | Free Version p07_Keyboard.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 2 serial.begin(9600); | 0.99A | |
296 | 31-Jan-2014 | 35 | mereni_pulzu.ino | Unknown command: delka Line: Line: 35 analogOutput(13,delka); | 0.99 | |
297 | 31-Jan-2014 | 10 | LinienFolger.ino | Unknown command: brait Folger(moL,moR,sensL,sensR) Line: Line: 10 brait Folger(moL,moR,sensL,sensR); //Create a new object of class braitenberg named Folger | 0.99 | |
298 | 31-Jan-2014 | 16 | rpm.ino | Unknown command: “Hello World” Line: Line: 15 lcd.print(“Hello World”); // Print a message to the LCD. | 0.99A | |
299 | 31-Jan-2014 | 26 | TimeAlarmExample.pde | Unknown command: timerRepeat(15, Repeats) Line: Line: 26 Alarm.timerRepeat(15, Repeats); // timer for every 15 seconds | 0.99A | |
300 | 02-Feb-2014 | 119 | Park_senzorji_AtTiny85_alt4_LF.ino | Unknown command: ri | 0.99 | |
301 | 02-Feb-2014 | 25 | serra.ino | Unknown command: readHumidity() Line: Line: 25 int h = dht.readHumidity(); | 0.99A | |
302 | 02-Feb-2014 | 21 | Encoder.ino | Unknown command: read_encoder() Line: Line: 21 tmpdata = read_encoder(); | 0.99A | |
303 | 02-Feb-2014 | 8 | Free Version Simulator for Arduino LCD.ino | Line: Line: 8 lcd.begin(16, 2); | 0.99A | |
304 | 03-Feb-2014 | 26 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line: Line: 26 pinmode(TURNPin,INPUT); | 0.99A | |
305 | 04-Feb-2014 | 140 | Example 5 AlarmProg.ino | Unknown command: ReadTripLog(i) Line: Line: 140 T1 = ReadTripLog(i); | 0.99A | |
306 | 04-Feb-2014 | 58 | ADXL3xx.ino | \\t Line: Line: 58 Serial.print(\\t); | 0.99A | |
307 | 04-Feb-2014 | 4 | Example_8_Light_Sensor_2.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line: Line: 4 { Serial.begin(9600); } | 0.99A | |
308 | 04-Feb-2014 | 59 | suhulcd.ino | Unknown command: itoa(bagBulat, a, 10) Line: Line: 59 itoa(bagBulat, a, 10); | 0.99A | |
309 | 05-Feb-2014 | void print_value() { // Serial.print(delta_t) | ||||
310 | 05-Feb-2014 | 36 | Filters1.ino | Unknown command: calibrateSensors() Line: Line: 36 calibrateSensors(); // obtain zero values | 0.99A | |
311 | 05-Feb-2014 | 48 | solucio_PR2_c.ino | Unknown command: case1: digitalWrite(led1, 1) Line: Line: 48 digitalWrite(led1, 1); | 0.99A | |
312 | 06-Feb-2014 | 38 | sketch_may21c.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 38 float AFR = ((sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0))*1.6) 10; | 0.99A | |
313 | 06-Feb-2014 | 12 | Button7.ino | Unknown command: void out(char d) Line: Line: 12 void out(char d) | 0.99 | |
314 | 06-Feb-2014 | 28 | DHT.ino | Unknown command: isnan(t) Line: Line: 16 if (isnan(t) || isnan(h)) { | 0.99A | |
315 | 07-Feb-2014 | 17 | Fading.ino | Unknown command: ledPin(n) Line: Line: 17 analogWrite(ledPin(n), fadeValue); | 0.99 | |
316 | 07-Feb-2014 | 87 | AN_275.ino | Cannot Evaluate ramDisplayList = RAM_DL Line: Line: 29 unsigned long ramDisplayList = RAM_DL; // Set beginning of display list memory | 0.99A.8 | |
317 | 07-Feb-2014 | 55 | GarageDoorIndicator.ino | Unknown command: begin(Serial) Line: Line: 55 xbee.begin(Serial); | 0.99 | |
318 | 07-Feb-2014 | 77 | ejercicio2_3polsador_i_4leds.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 77 if (((digitalRead(pulsador3)==LOW) | 0.99A | |
319 | 07-Feb-2014 | 14 | led test.ino | Unknown command: 0,0977517106549365 Line: Line: 7 float temperatura = sensorValue * (100.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
320 | 07-Feb-2014 | 50 | GarageDoorIndicatorDebug.ino | Unknown command: begin(Serial) Line: Line: 50 xbee.begin(Serial); | 0.99 | |
321 | 08-Feb-2014 | 19 | Free Version problema1.ino | Cannot Process Float: 2.92.0 Line: Line: 19 float voltage = sensorValue * (2.92.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
322 | 08-Feb-2014 | 10 | Blink moe.ino | Undefined pin state 12 Line: Line: 10 pinMode(11,12,13,14,15,16, OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
323 | 09-Feb-2014 | 77 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try digitalWrite(..) Line: Line: 77 digitalwrite(13,high); | 0.99A | |
324 | 09-Feb-2014 | 96 | ReadWrite.ino | Unknown command: friend class File Line: Line: 96 friend class File; | 0.99A | |
325 | 10-Feb-2014 | 22 | Fade.ino | Cannot Evaluate brightness = brightness fadeAmount Line: Line: 22 brightness = brightness fadeAmount; | 0.99A | |
326 | 11-Feb-2014 | 11 | Example 2 LedChaser.ino | Cannot Evaluate i=0 Line: Line: 11 for (i=0; i<14; i ) | 0.99A | |
327 | 11-Feb-2014 | 24 | _03_LOVE_O_METER.ino | Unknown command: 0,4990234375*100 Line: Line: 24 temperature=(voltage-0.5)*100; | 0.99A | |
328 | 12-Feb-2014 | kdmzkVwYhAdTMvlqDQh | tIGjlTiAZYvuPpn | cDBddophdqNDV | ||
329 | 12-Feb-2014 | 90 | TFTBitmapLogo.ino | Unknown command: isValid() Line: Line: 90 0090 if (logo.isValid() == false) { | 0.99A | |
330 | 13-Feb-2014 | 52 | MultiKey.ino | Unknown command: getKeys() Line: Line: 52 if (kpd.getKeys()) | 0.99A | |
331 | 13-Feb-2014 | 24 | ZIZO.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead (hor1) Line: Line: 24 analogRead (hor1); | 0.99A | |
332 | 13-Feb-2014 | 64 | sketch_feb12a.ino | Problem in Reset find_sr() Line: Line: 62 void | 0.99A | |
333 | 13-Feb-2014 | 17 | new_test_filtre.ino | Unknown command: 3) Line: Line: 1 float k=(3.3/1023)*(1/0.3)*(180/pi);//coefficient de conversion de la valeur lue en degré : (((coeffCAN)*(coeffAccelero))/9.87)*(180/pi) | 0.99A | |
334 | 14-Feb-2014 | 35 | Monitoring_FVE_v1_0.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 35 napatieBateriePin *= (5.0 / 1023); | 0.99A | |
335 | 14-Feb-2014 | 47 | Free Version sketch_feb11a.ino | Unknown command: etteindre() Line: Line: 47 etteindre(); | 0.99A | |
336 | 14-Feb-2014 | 7 | Free Version Simulator for Arduino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line: Line: 7 PinMode(ledpin[index], OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
337 | 15-Feb-2014 | 34 | 99checks.ino | Unable to find label: unknown_label: Line: Line: 34 goto unknown_label; | 0.99A | |
338 | 15-Feb-2014 | NnlEnOlfibvooVcwaX | qFcRcMcYwlkERlO | pfSmorHSawJSMNoLUp | ||
339 | 15-Feb-2014 | 12 | demo_prog.ino | Unknown command: _BV(COM2A1) Line: Line: 12 TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A1) | _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM20); | 0.99A | |
340 | 15-Feb-2014 | 88 | FINAL.ino | Unknown command: increases current speed to recommended normal speed Line: Line: 88 0088 if(accelerating){ // increases current speed to recommended normal speed | 0.99 | |
341 | 15-Feb-2014 | 31 | Free Version Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: getKey() Line: Line: 31 char keypressed = myKeypad.getKey(); | 0.99A | |
342 | 15-Feb-2014 | 141 | mega.ino | Line: Line: 141 Serial.println(\"); | 0.99A | |
343 | 15-Feb-2014 | 27 | EthernetSup_WebServer_Sample.ino | Unknown command: begin(mac, ip, port) Line: Line: 19 enc.begin(mac, ip, port); | 0.99A | |
344 | 16-Feb-2014 | 29 | Slave.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 14 analogWrite ( relay - 1 , relayStatus [ relay - 1 ]) | 0.99A | |
345 | 16-Feb-2014 | 5 | Free Version Button.ino | Unknown command: PinMod(button[0],INPUT) Line: Line: 5 PinMod(button[0],INPUT); | 0.99A | |
346 | 16-Feb-2014 | 7 | Button.ino | Unknown command: pinMod(led[i],OUTPUT) Line: Line: 7 pinMod(led[i],OUTPUT); | 0.99A | |
347 | 17-Feb-2014 | 67 | ASCIITable.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 67 if(thisByte == 126) { // you could also use if (thisByte == \'~\') { | 0.99 | |
348 | 17-Feb-2014 | 62 | Programme_plus_moins_case.ino | Blanc CHAUD %d Line: Line: 17 Serialprint(\"Blanc CHAUD %d \"); | 0.99A | |
349 | 17-Feb-2014 | 52 | sketch_feb13b.ino | Unknown command: strstr(inputString,searchString) Line: Line: 52 return (strstr(inputString,searchString) != NULL); | 0.99A | |
350 | 17-Feb-2014 | 56 | ContactProject.ino | Cannot Evaluate digitalRead(buttonPin) Line: Line: 56 int readingA = digitalRead(buttonPin); | 0.99A | |
351 | 17-Feb-2014 | 60 | prawie_gotowy3.ino | Unknown command: fadeValue Line: Line: 60 for(fadeValue ; fadeValue <= outputValue; fadeValue =1) { | 0.99A | |
352 | 17-Feb-2014 | 4 | sketch_feb16a.ino | nix Line: Line: 0 char buffeer = \'nix\' ; | 0.99A | |
353 | 18-Feb-2014 | 74 | BarometricPressureWebServer.ino | Unknown command: writeRegister(0x01, 0x03) Line: Line: 74 writeRegister(0x01, 0x03); | 0.99A | |
354 | 18-Feb-2014 | jMziJaZSTJEhWp | YIodpLjPFo | mWACRDxtNOmUxEU | ||
355 | 20-Feb-2014 | 12 | Free Version pos_substr.ino | Unknown command: toCharArray(str1,chaine Line: Line: 37 chaine.toCharArray(str1,chaine.length() 1); | 0.99A | |
356 | 20-Feb-2014 | 11 | Free Version Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: analogicWrite(x,1) Line: Line: 11 analogicWrite(x,1); | 0.99A | |
357 | 20-Feb-2014 | 50 | Multiple_inputs_GPU_Trend_disp.ino | Unknown command: init() Line: Line: 50 lcd.init(); //configure the serial and pinout of arduino board for SMARTGPU support | 0.99A | |
358 | 21-Feb-2014 | 14 | test_mit_knopfzustand_.ino | Unknown command: knopfdruck,HIGH Line: Line: 14 if(knopfdruck,HIGH); | 0.99A | |
359 | 21-Feb-2014 | 19 | exe1.ino | Unknown command: itoa(i, binario, 2) Line: Line: 19 itoa(i, binario, 2); | 0.99A | |
360 | 22-Feb-2014 | 0 | PWM2.ino | Unknown command: 00x40094000 Line: Line: 0 int *PWM_CLK = ((int*)0x40094000); /**< \\brief (PWM) PWM Clock Register */ | 0.99 | |
361 | 22-Feb-2014 | 31 | Motor_test_2.ino | Unknown command: setSpeed(60) Line: Line: 31 myStepper.setSpeed(60); | 0.99A | |
362 | 23-Feb-2014 | 33 | Test.ino | Unknown command: 0 } Line: Line: 33 } | 0.99A | |
363 | 24-Feb-2014 | 16 | Fading.ino | Unknown command: led(3) Line: Line: 16 pinMode(led(3), OUTPUT); | 0.99 | |
364 | 24-Feb-2014 | 72 | gps.pde | Unknown Wire command: Send Line: Line: 72 WireSend(0xff);//å‘é€æ•°æ®æ‰€åœ¨çš„åœ°å€ | 0.99A | |
365 | 26-Feb-2014 | 119 | Torsteuerung.ino | Typo?: try Serialinputstring.reserve(20) Line: Line: 119 serialInputString.reserve(20); //Reserviert Speicher für seriellen Datenstring | 0.99 | |
366 | 27-Feb-2014 | 420 | aspirateur.ino | Error in finding endif Line:Past End | 0.99A.11 | |
367 | 30-Dec-2015 | 2 | Button.ino | Unknown command: pinMode(2, INPUT) Line 3: pinMode(2, INPUT); // On dfinit la pin 2 en entre | 1.00 | |
368 | 30-Dec-2015 | 49 | Free Version simulacion_muestreo.ino | set_float: Bad Float Val convert -0.14309-0.10046-0.044970.016430.076520.126960.160170.171080.157590.120930.065730.00024-0.06463-0.11894-0.15542-0.16946-0.15967-0.128-0.07938-0.020810.040820.098090.142510.167290.168650.145730.100990.04035-0.02633-0.08802-0.13598-0.16391-0.16843-0.14951-0.11033-0.056850.003940.064910.117970.155180.170820.162290.130090.078040.01366-0.05232-0.10942-0.14994-0.16868-0.16358-0.13594-0.09015-0.033010.028640.087540.135130.164220.170410.152220.111450.05332-0.01301-0.07651-0.12784-0.16018-0.16953-0.15515-0.11963-0.06842-0.008520.053010.108350.149310.169620.1660.138320.089770.02693-0.03972-0.09921-0.14348-0.16677-0.16637-0.14294-0.10027-0.044770.016610.076680.127070.160220.171050.157530.120840.06553-0.00001-0.06488-0.11915-0.15557-0.16953-0.15965 Line 50:0050 Timer1.initialize(1000); | 1.00 | |
369 | 31-Dec-2015 | 54 | stepper_volume-2501.ino | Typo?: try SDigit(achar) Line 55: if (isdigit(aChar) | 1.01 | |
370 | 31-Dec-2015 | 20 | ds1307.ino | Unknown command: 0) Line 21: DateTime now =; | 1.00 | |
371 | 01-Jan-2016 | 23 | FS15_Controller.ino | Unknown command: useManualSend(true) Line 24: Joystick.useManualSend(true); | 1.00 | |
372 | 02-Jan-2016 | 186 | ESP8266prvni.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 1.01 | |
373 | 04-Jan-2016 | 20 | Fade.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 20 boolean z = !(u | 0.99A | |
374 | 05-Jan-2016 | 182 | RAPIRO_ver0_0.ino | Unknown command: write((nowAngle[i] >> SHIFT) trim[i]) Line 183: servo[i].write((nowAngle[i] >> SHIFT) trim[i]); | 1.01 | |
375 | 05-Jan-2016 | 349 | RAPIRO_ver0_0.ino | Unknown command: motion[motionNumber][frameNumber][MAXSN i] Line 350: bufferBright[i] = motion[motionNumber][frameNumber][MAXSN i]; | 1.01 | |
376 | 05-Jan-2016 | 21 | LCD1.ino | Unknown command: print(hodnota) Line 22: MejoLCD1.print(hodnota); //napĂše hodnotu z A0 | 1.00 | |
377 | 06-Jan-2016 | 164 | MenuSystemSmall.ino | Unknown command: 0[13 Line 165: if (y != 0 | 0.99E | |
378 | 06-Jan-2016 | 11 | eeprom_clear.ino | Cannot Evaluate reset = 2 Line 12:const int reset = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin | 0.99D | |
379 | 07-Jan-2016 | 46 | SG-90_servo_monitor.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(SerialSpeed) ; Line 47: Serial.begin(SerialSpeed) ; | 0.99D | |
380 | 07-Jan-2016 | 373 | TxSwitchTester.ino | Error - evaluate called 65 times Tab2/Line 374:struct global g; | 1.01 | |
381 | 10-Jan-2016 | 40 | Buttons.pde | Cannot Evaluate } Tab2/Line 41:if ( debounce() ) { | 1.01 | |
382 | 10-Jan-2016 | 9 | arduino_button_box.ino | Cannot Evaluate } Tab2/Line 10:interval(interval_millis); | 1.01 | |
383 | 10-Jan-2016 | 35 | asserposition.ino | Unknown command: elapsed() Tab2/Line 36: unsigned long current_millis = elapsed(); | 0.99E | |
384 | 12-Jan-2016 | 7 | Simulator for Arduino | Cannot Evaluate Statofinecorsa = 0 Line 8:int Statofinecorsa = 0; | 0.99F | |
385 | 12-Jan-2016 | 30 | Sensores.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrite(ph,HIGH): Line 30: digitalWrite(ph,HIGH): | 0.99B | |
386 | 13-Jan-2016 | 35 | arduinoComm.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(serialMode); Line 36: Serial.begin(serialMode); | 1.00 | |
387 | 15-Jan-2016 | 186 | SniperSystemTestjo.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
388 | 15-Jan-2016 | 11 | sketch_jan15a.ino | Unknown command: remove(7) Line: Line: 11 exString.remove(7); | 0.99 | |
389 | 17-Jan-2016 | 105 | sketch_nov24a.ino | Unknown command: portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)) Tab2/Line 105:baseReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(pin); | 0.99B | |
390 | 17-Jan-2016 | 104 | LCD temp histereza.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99B | |
391 | 17-Jan-2016 | 105 | LCD temp histereza.ino | Unknown command: portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)) Tab2/Line 105:baseReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(pin); | 0.99B | |
392 | 17-Jan-2016 | 21 | LCD temp histereza - obrabiane T.S.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line 21: sensors.begin(); | 0.99B | |
393 | 17-Jan-2016 | 104 | Funzionante_5.ino | Unknown command: 3) Line 105: if (differenza >=0.1) and (differenza <=0.3) | 1.01 | |
394 | 18-Jan-2016 | 17 | sketch_jan15a.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 17 boolean z = !(u ^ v ^ w); //Nand de resultaten en sla op in | 0.99A | |
395 | 18-Jan-2016 | 17 | sketch_jan15aa.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 17 boolean z = !(u^v^w); //Nand de resultaten en sla op in | 0.99A | |
396 | 19-Jan-2016 | 44 | Prog_31_2.ino | Cannot Evaluate for (int i= 0 ; i<8 ; i ) Line 44: for (int i= 0 ; i<8 ; i ) | 0.99B | |
397 | 19-Jan-2016 | 147 | Funzionante_5.ino | Unable to find label: suona: Line 148: goto suona; | 1.01 | |
398 | 21-Jan-2016 | 24 | Button1.ino | Unknown command: clead() Line 24:clead(); | 0.99B | |
399 | 21-Jan-2016 | 29 | LiquidCrystalScale.ino | Unknown command: getGram() Line 30: lcd.print(scale.getGram(), 1); | 1.01 | |
400 | 21-Jan-2016 | 17 | TSTAT Practice Jp | Unknown command: following script defines the function of the pins pinMode (TSTAT-B, INPUT) Line 18:pinMode (TSTAT-B, INPUT); | 1.01 | |
401 | 21-Jan-2016 | 66 | T.S.ino | Unknown command: LOW ){ Line 66:0066 if (digitalRead(goraPin) == LOW and state == LOW ){ | 0.99B | |
402 | 22-Jan-2016 | 138 | TOW_MANAGER_20160122_1200_NANO_BT_simulator.ino | Unknown command: not bFlash Line 139: bFlash = not bFlash; | 1.01 | |
403 | 22-Jan-2016 | 56 | display.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab2/Line 56: }; | 0.99B | |
404 | 22-Jan-2016 | 104 | test4_OneWire.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 105:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99G | |
405 | 23-Jan-2016 | 21 | Oef detectoren juist(23-01-2016).ino | Unknown command: opqrstuvwxyz Line: Line: 19 void loop() { opqrstuvwxyz | 0.99 | |
406 | 26-Jan-2016 | 12 | sketch_jan26a.ino | Unknown command: K1 ) Line: Line: 12 int z = !(X || Y | 0.99A | |
407 | 26-Jan-2016 | 1 | Simulator for Arduino | Cannot Evaluate buttonPin7 = 7 Line 2:const int buttonPin7=7; | 0.99F | |
408 | 26-Jan-2016 | 48 | test10_subroutineargs.ino | Unknown command: 28,5 Line 48: i2 = getit2(3,getit(20)); | 0.99B | |
409 | 26-Jan-2016 | 2 | GettingStarted.ino | mod not implemented - try % instead Line 2:pinmode(ledPin, OUTPUT); | 0.99C | |
410 | 27-Jan-2016 | 73 | Servo11111_ok5ok.ino.ino | Unknown command: 0) Line 73: ((button1State == LOW) | 0.99B | |
411 | 29-Jan-2016 | 4 | spelen_met_ar.ino | Unknown command: 13,OUTPUT Line: Line: 4 {pinMode=(13,OUTPUT) | 0.99A | |
412 | 30-Jan-2016 | TwcgxZXdQQWHGWefld | xCUwtjSDdYCKe | JmROPIlvSz | ||
413 | 01-Feb-2016 | 14 | test.ino | Unknown command: remove(7) Line: Line: 14 exString.remove(7); | 0.99 | |
414 | 01-Feb-2016 | 13 | muj web 1.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line: Line: 13 mujSvr.begin(); | 0.99 | |
415 | 02-Feb-2016 | 17 | lihen.ino | Unknown command: microsecondsToClockCycles(1000) Tab2/Line 17: _maxcycles = microsecondsToClockCycles(1000); // 1 millisecond timeout for | 0.99B | |
416 | 03-Feb-2016 | suYZCFrMNMENIIHpKU | nhQaLfbui | huWLByUzbCXMXgyg | ||
417 | 05-Feb-2016 | 25 | 123456.ino | Unknown command: led a Line 26: digitalWrite(led a, HIGH); //lampu hidup | 0.99G | |
418 | 06-Feb-2016 | 16 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0[0 Line 16: checksum=(data[x] data[x 1]); | 0.99B | |
419 | 07-Feb-2016 | 186 | I2C_display_volume_temp.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99G | |
420 | 07-Feb-2016 | vGDFggTEfxgHqwFE | KbjNQmkbKHXynZTgmpI | FmFAbZzq | ||
421 | 07-Feb-2016 | dumExiHc | UWjHCNNzkrogtPR | uQJJjoxeZOsUyLvy | ||
422 | 09-Feb-2016 | 58 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: backlight() Line 59:0059 lcd.backlight();//Inicio fondo retroalimentado | 0.99D | |
423 | 09-Feb-2016 | 59 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: init() Line 60:0060 lcd.init();//Inicio la pantalla LCD | 0.99D | |
424 | 10-Feb-2016 | 125 | 16 Output Arduino Controller.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 125:}; | 0.99B | |
425 | 11-Feb-2016 | 316 | ardutest12m.ino | Unknown command: melody Line 316: tunes[0].melody = jingleBells; | 0.99B | |
426 | 15-Feb-2016 | 7 | arrayargs.ino | Unknown command: ledPin(LED1, OUTPUT) Line 8:ledPin(LED1, OUTPUT); | 0.99E | |
427 | 16-Feb-2016 | 209 | sketch_feb16b.ino | Unknown command: attach(pin) Line 209: servo.attach(pin); | 0.99B | |
428 | 16-Feb-2016 | 104 | sketch_feb16a.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99B | |
429 | 17-Feb-2016 | 23 | vevo.ino | Unknown command: ReadTemp() Line 23:int Temp=ReadTemp(); | 0.99C | |
430 | 17-Feb-2016 | 29 | Drive a DC motor.ino | Unknown command: driverMotor1 Line 29:driverMotor1(FORWARD); | 0.99B | |
431 | 17-Feb-2016 | 27 | arduino_termostato_seriamonitot_funzionante_isteresi.ino | Unknown command: readTemperature() Line: Line: 27 int t = dht.readTemperature(); | 0.99 | |
432 | 18-Feb-2016 | 48 | LEDS.ino | Unknown command: case 4: digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW) Line 49: digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); | 0.99E | |
433 | 19-Feb-2016 | 104 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 105:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99D | |
434 | 19-Feb-2016 | 105 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)) Tab2/Line 106:baseReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(pin); | 0.99D | |
435 | 20-Feb-2016 | 32 | sketch_feb20b.ino | Unknown command: sleep_enable () Line 32: sleep_enable (); // enables the sleep bit in the mcucr register | 0.99B | |
436 | 21-Feb-2016 | 23 | bluetoothconrol.ino | 105 Line 23: case '105': | 0.99B | |
437 | 23-Feb-2016 | 8 | PrintString.ino | Unknown command: begin(20, 4) Line 9: bigCrystal.begin(20, 4); | 0.99E | |
438 | 24-Feb-2016 | 100 | automazione_irrigazione_serra.ino | Unknown command: LAB_EXIT_10: return k Line 101: return k; | 1.00 | |
439 | 25-Feb-2016 | 353 | Heli.ino.ino | Cannot Evaluate atoi( | 1.01 | |
440 | 26-Feb-2016 | 36 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: Mode(ledPin, OUTPUT) Line 37:Mode(ledPin, OUTPUT); | 0.99F | |
441 | 26-Feb-2016 | 28 | Button.ino | Cannot Evaluate buttonPin = 2 Line 29:const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin | 0.99F | |
442 | 29-Feb-2016 | 105 | _1603_Vykurovanie_Huliciar_V3.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 106: V1.init(); | 1.01 | |
443 | 02-Mar-2016 | 6 | stepper driver using functions.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 6:for (int i=STARTPIN;i<(STARTPIN 4);i ) pinMode(i,OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
444 | 02-Mar-2016 | 18 | exercicio_4_da_ficha_7_norberto.ino | Typo?: try Serial.println(tensao) Line 19:serial.println(tensao); | 1.00 | |
445 | 03-Mar-2016 | 4 | sketch_feb15a.ino | Cannot Evaluate durata1 = 10 Line 5:const int durata1 = 10; | 0.99F | |
446 | 03-Mar-2016 | 0 | sketch_mar03a2.ino | Cannot Evaluate led1 = 8 Line 1:const int led1=8; | 0.99F | |
447 | 03-Mar-2016 | 0 | sketch_mar03c.ino | Cannot Evaluate led1 = 4 Line 1:const int led1=4; | 0.99F | |
448 | 04-Mar-2016 | 38 | Test_If.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 38: { } | 0.99C | |
449 | 04-Mar-2016 | 9 | Blink.ino | Cannot Evaluate led = 13 Line 10:const int led = 13; | 0.99F | |
450 | 06-Mar-2016 | 74 | GettingStarted.ino | set_float: Bad Float Val convert 1,2345 Line 74: Serial.print(","); | 0.99B | |
451 | 07-Mar-2016 | 2 | sketch_da_casa.ino | Cannot Evaluate led2 = 13 Line 3: const int led2 = 13; | 0.99F | |
452 | 08-Mar-2016 | 56 | ADXL3xx.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(xpin) Line 56: Serial.print(analogRead(xpin)); | 0.99B | |
453 | 09-Mar-2016 | 57 | Gettime.txt | Unknown command: available() Line 57: if (domotica.available()) { | 0.99B | |
454 | 10-Mar-2016 | 19 | diy_2.ino | Unknown command: 935) Line 20: cm=10650.08*pow(irVal,-0.935)-10; | 0.99D | |
455 | 11-Mar-2016 | 255 | Shooting_Simulator_Controller_Client.ino | Unknown command: 1) Line 255: else if (((digitalRead(automatic) == LOW) | 0.99B | |
456 | 11-Mar-2016 | 2 | sketch_Tortorelli_7_3_2016.ino | Cannot Evaluate P2 = 2 Line 3:int P2 = 2; | 0.99F | |
457 | 11-Mar-2016 | 5 | sketch_Tortorelli_7_3_2016.ino | Cannot Evaluate LED3 = 11 Line 6:int LED3 = 11; | 0.99F | |
458 | 14-Mar-2016 | 0 | Lucchi_14_marzo_And.ino | Cannot Evaluate led = 12 Line 1:const int led=12; | 0.99F | |
459 | 14-Mar-2016 | 5 | Tasto.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); Line 6:Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); | 0.99E | |
460 | 17-Mar-2016 | 74 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: ellipse(50,50,80,80) Line 74: ellipse(50,50,80,80); | 0.99C | |
461 | 19-Mar-2016 | 42 | pins.ino | Unknown command: analogRead(analogPin0,OUTPUT) Line 43: analogRead(analogPin0,OUTPUT); | 0.99F | |
462 | 21-Mar-2016 | 148 | CAMPANELLO_CUCINA_con_Voice.ino | Unknown command: toCharArray( frase_array, sizeof(frase_array) ) Line 148: intero.toCharArray( frase_array, sizeof(frase_array) ); | 0.99B | |
463 | 22-Mar-2016 | 16 | Blink.ino | Cannot Evaluate lcd.setCursor(4, 2); Line 17:lcd.setCursor(4, 2); | 0.99D | |
464 | 22-Mar-2016 | 7 | led test.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 7:pinmode(led, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
465 | 22-Mar-2016 | 54 | Sweep.ino | Unknown command: write(pos1) Line 54: servo1.write(pos1); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' | 0.99B | |
466 | 23-Mar-2016 | 36 | for_test.ino | Unknown command: case LOW: analogWrite(led1, 20) Line 37:analogWrite(led1, 20); | 1.01 | |
467 | 01-Apr-2016 | 5 | Esercizio_1_1_4_2016.ino | Cannot Evaluate statoA = 7 Line 6:int statoA=7; | 0.99F | |
468 | 01-Apr-2016 | 0 | Lucchi_14_marzo_And2.ino | Cannot Evaluate led = 12 Line 1:const int led=12; | 0.99F | |
469 | 01-Apr-2016 | 130 | segway1.ino | Unknown command: 0,9 Line: Line: 130 accel_angle = (float)(accel_raw * accel_scale); | 0.99 | |
470 | 05-Apr-2016 | 19 | Blink.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrite(12 Line 20: digitalWrite(12; HIGH); | 1.01 | |
471 | 08-Apr-2016 | 31 | 2 graphics.ino | Label1 Label2 | 0.99B | |
472 | 09-Apr-2016 | 6 | Fahrradlicht.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 6:{ for (int n=0; n<5; n ) {pinMode(ledPin[n], OUTPUT);} | 0.99B | |
473 | 09-Apr-2016 | 93 | Button_anti_bump_fotocellule.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.write(foto5*); Line 94: Serial.write(foto5*); | 0.99E | |
474 | 10-Apr-2016 | 48 | _12345.ino | Unknown command: begin(20,4) Line 49: lcd.begin(20,4); | 0.99E | |
475 | 14-Apr-2016 | 19 | a.ino | Unknown command: pinMode(rouge, OUTPUT) Line 19:pinMode(rouge, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
476 | 14-Apr-2016 | 79 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 2 } Line 80:} | 1.01 | |
477 | 14-Apr-2016 | 11 | Blink.ino | Unknown command: PİNMODE(12, OUTPUT) Line 11: PİNMODE(12, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
478 | 15-Apr-2016 | 83 | FromInternet.ino | set_float: Bad Float Val convert 5.48306344877458E Line 84: nSineTable[nIndex] = (uint16_t) (((1 sin(((2.0*PI)/WAVE_SAMPLES)*nIndex))*4095.0)/2); | 1.01 | |
479 | 18-Apr-2016 | 6 | C.ino | mod not implemented - try % instead Line 6:pinmode(13, output); | 0.99C | |
480 | 21-Apr-2016 | 4 | Prova_LM_35.ino | Unknown command: } Line: Line: 4 {int valore=analogRead(A0); | 0.99 | |
481 | 26-Apr-2016 | 2 | ripasso_ciclo_while.ino | Cannot Evaluate buttonpin2 = 2 Line 3:const int buttonpin2 = 2; | 0.99F | |
482 | 26-Apr-2016 | 4 | C_B_B_C_.ino | Cannot Evaluate Ecm = 10 Line 5:const int Ecm = 10; | 0.99F | |
483 | 26-Apr-2016 | 15 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0,0244 Line 16: speakerL = (speakerL * 0,0244) ; | 1.01 | |
484 | 26-Apr-2016 | 15 | sinus_met_arduino_met_DA_omzetter.ino | Cannot Evaluate int i = 0 Line: Line: 15 for(int i = 0; i < 11; i ){ | 0.99A | |
485 | 28-Apr-2016 | 90 | mouseserial.ino | Unknown command: Task() Line 90: usb.Task(); | 0.99B | |
486 | 30-Apr-2016 | 42 | GenMenu.ino | Label1 Label2 | 0.99B | |
487 | 04-May-2016 | 668 | mojoEngineSim.ino | Error in find_sr >>PROGMEM const unsigned char idle_data[] = { Tab3/Line 668:}; | 0.99C | |
488 | 05-May-2016 | 8 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: flicker [i] Line 9:analogWrite(outpin, flicker [i]); | 1.01 | |
489 | 05-May-2016 | 151 | GenMenu2.ino | Unknown command: wait_take: digitalWrite Line 151: digitalWrite(TG1, 0); // (low) | 0.99B | |
490 | 07-May-2016 | 7 | sketch_feb12a.ino | Unknown command: 5LiquidCrystal LCD (12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2) Line 8:LiquidCrystal LCD (12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); | 0.99E | |
491 | 07-May-2016 | 2 | Firmware.ino | Error in find_sr >>TransactionalSPI *TransactionalSPI::activeTransaction = NULL; Tab7/Line 2:TransactionalSPI *TransactionalSPI::activeTransaction = NULL; | 0.99B | |
492 | 08-May-2016 | 64 | Isidrin_2.0.ino | Unknown command: inicio: Line 64: inicio:; // Etiqueta 1 | 0.99B | |
493 | 09-May-2016 | 58 | LedControl.cpp | Cannot Evaluate Tab2/Line 58:}; | 0.99B | |
494 | 11-May-2016 | 3 | JJJJ.ino | Unknown command: printMode Line: Line: 3 printMode(led, output); | 0.99 | |
495 | 12-May-2016 | 2 | kkkk.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line: Line: 2 serial.begin(9600); | 0.99 | |
496 | 13-May-2016 | MKdveRiUGkVLCS | bkAoZsuUePwuj | UCdQXBjQSYqYwL | ||
497 | 17-May-2016 | 14 | Termostato_Soglia_Fissa.ino | Unknown command: 1023,00 Line 15: Vo=(5,00*analogRead(A0))/1023,00; | 0.99E | |
498 | 18-May-2016 | 105 | DS18x20_Temperature.pde | Unknown command: portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)) Tab2/Line 106:baseReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(pin); | 1.00 | |
499 | 23-May-2016 | 32 | X.ino | Cannot Evaluate sprintf(AreaInfo16,X,VK) Line 33: sprintf(AreaInfo16,X,VK); | 0.99D | |
500 | 24-May-2016 | 80 | Serratura Malfunzioneante.ino | Maximum loop level of 300 reached Line 81: if(StatoA == LOW) { | 0.99E | |
501 | 26-May-2016 | 727 | Programme_principal_sd_card5.ino | Cannot Evaluate sprintf(myDate, u/u/u, day, month, year) Line 728: sprintf(myDate, "u/u/u", day, month, year); | 0.99D | |
502 | 28-May-2016 | 22 | _8bitsled.ino | Unknown command: { Line 22:{ | 0.99B | |
503 | 29-May-2016 | 3 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: begin(8,2) Line 3: lcd.begin(8,2); | 0.99B | |
504 | 31-May-2016 | 19 | ledhighlow.ino | Unknown command: delay 500 Line 20: delay 500; | 0.99E | |
505 | 31-May-2016 | 19 | Fade.ino | Unknown command: 9 rightness Line 20: analogWrite(9 rightness); | 0.99E | |
506 | 31-May-2016 | 155 | avvolgibili.ino | Unknown command: 0 if (digitalRead(pin_su_2) == HIGH){ Line 155: if (digitalRead(pin_su_2) == HIGH){ //se sta salendo, termina il ciclo | 0.99B | |
507 | 01-Jun-2016 | 7 | tes.ino | Unknown command: “Tinggi Badan” Line 7: lcd.print(“Tinggi Badan”); | 0.99B | |
508 | 02-Jun-2016 | 14 | Arduinot_DS18B20_Web_Temperature.ino | Unknown command: 0x?? Line 14:}; | 0.99B | |
509 | 03-Jun-2016 | 136 | _28mai2016_eclairage.ino | Unable to find label: debut: Line 136: goto debut; | 0.99B | |
510 | 04-Jun-2016 | 123 | Incalzire automata.ino | Unknown command: oprit1(13) Line 123: oprit1(13); | 0.99B | |
511 | 04-Jun-2016 | 35 | pololu_test3.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 27 } | 0.99A | |
512 | 04-Jun-2016 | 36 | pololu_test3.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 36 } | 0.99A | |
513 | 05-Jun-2016 | 47 | remote_ethernet.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line 48: server.begin(); | 0.99D | |
514 | 06-Jun-2016 | 92 | Controlling_Tank_3.ino | Unknown command: 0 ? Line 93: *coefG = (rawX < -THRESHOLD) ? -rawX / (float)calX : 1; | 0.99E | |
515 | 09-Jun-2016 | 44 | Programme_final_1.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 45: cmd[0] =; | 0.99E | |
516 | 11-Jun-2016 | 9 | AnalogReadSerial.ino | Catastrophic error - exiting; Line 9: Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99B | |
517 | 12-Jun-2016 | 33 | FiveHats.ino | Unknown command: attach(i 2) Line 33: HatsServos[i].attach(i 2); | 0.99B | |
518 | 14-Jun-2016 | 21 | sketch_jun14a.ino | Unknown command: B } Line: Line: 21 } | 0.99A | |
519 | 14-Jun-2016 | 4 | tuto_botweb.ino | Unknown command: 6,7,8,9 Tab4/Line 4:int PINsDIGs[] = {6,7,8,9}; | 0.99B | |
520 | 15-Jun-2016 | 15 | LED_ON_OFF_OK.ino | Unknown command: 1 ,(old_val == HIGH) Line 16: if ((val == LOW) ,(old_val == HIGH)) | 0.99E | |
521 | 17-Jun-2016 | 7 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: begin(21, 2) Line 7:lcd lcd.begin(21, 2); | 0.99B | |
522 | 27-Jun-2016 | 74 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: 29,2840019649711 Line 74: temp=Thermistor(analogRead(ThermistorPIN)); // read ADC and convert it to Celsius | 0.99B | |
523 | 27-Jun-2016 | 39 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: add5(i) Line 39: i = add5(i); | 0.99B | |
524 | 02-Jul-2016 | 12 | Test_IF.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line 13:0013 Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99D | |
525 | 02-Jul-2016 | 353 | _4hp22e_controller.ino | Unknown command: case 2: if(MPH > TTSHIFT Line 353: if(MPH > TTSHIFT | 0.99C | |
526 | 03-Jul-2016 | 25 | Test_IF_002.ino | Error - evaluate called 43 times Line 26:0026 Serial.print (packetBuffer [i-1],HEX); | 0.99D | |
527 | 04-Jul-2016 | 454 | Imker_Stockwaage_V2_03_Homepage.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab9/Line 454: 116, 42,200,150, 21, 75,169,247,182,232, 10, 84,215,137,107, 53}; | 0.99B | |
528 | 04-Jul-2016 | 15 | _4hp22e_controller.ino | Unknown command: Shift 1 Line 15:(MAF) (MPH) (MAF) (MPH) (MAF) (MPH) | 0.99C | |
529 | 05-Jul-2016 | 35 | GettingStarted.ino | set_float: Bad Float Val convert 0,1 Line 36: i = 3; | 0.99E | |
530 | 10-Jul-2016 | 46 | eeprom_write.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value) Tab2/Line 46:eeprom_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value); | 0.99B | |
531 | 10-Jul-2016 | 41 | eeprom_read.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_read_byte((unsigned char *) address) Tab2/Line 41:return eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char *) address); | 0.99B | |
532 | 18-Jul-2016 | 28 | Test_compare001.ino | Error - evaluate called 43 times Line 29: for (int i = 1; char (packetBuffer [i - 1] ) == 0 ; i ) | 0.99D | |
533 | 20-Jul-2016 | seriall.begin(9600) | AnalogReadSerial.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line 9: Seriall.begin(9600); | ||
534 | 22-Jul-2016 | 3 | DigitalReadSerial.ino | mod not implemented - try % instead Line 3:pinmode (led,output); | 0.99C | |
535 | 25-Jul-2016 | 70 | teste1234.ino | Unknown command: ECG_normal() Line 71: ECG_normal(); | 0.99D | |
536 | 29-Jul-2016 | 124 | laptimer.ino | Unknown command: 0x7FED, 0x7FED, 0x7FED } Line 124: NOTIME, NOTIME, NOTIME }; //lap | 0.99B | |
537 | 31-Jul-2016 | 95 | Test_Robot_Guitar_7_using_only_servos_.ino | Unknown command: attach(10) Line 96:FretR2S2.attach(10); | 1.01 | |
538 | 31-Jul-2016 | 20 | Due_wave.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 20: 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092,4092}; | 0.99B | |
539 | 31-Jul-2016 | 9 | sketch_jul31a.ino | Unknown command: 1 for(i=0 Line 9: for(i=0;i<256;i ){ | 0.99B | |
540 | 31-Jul-2016 | 480 | GettingStarted.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 480:}; | 0.99B | |
541 | 08-Sep-2016 | 37 | idroponico.ino | Unknown command: impiantoacceso() Line 37:impiantoacceso(); | 0.99B | |
542 | 13-Sep-2016 | 32 | conversion decimal binaire.ino | Unknown command: 1 } Line 32: } | 0.99B | |
543 | 13-Sep-2016 | 4 | testA3.ino | Unknown command: analodRead(A3) Line 4:val=analodRead(A3); | 0.99C | |
544 | 14-Sep-2016 | 3 | sketch_160219c.ino | Unknown command: k Line: Line: 3 for (k;k<16;k ); | 0.99 | |
545 | 15-Sep-2016 | 186 | Allarm2.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 1.01 | |
546 | 18-Sep-2016 | 5 | pot delay.ino | Cannot Evaluate enablePin = 5 Line 6:const int enablePin = 5; | 0.99D | |
547 | 23-Sep-2016 | 15 | Blink3.ino | Unknown command: delat(500) Line 16: delat(500); | 0.99D | |
548 | 23-Sep-2016 | 4 | Blink3.ino | Unknown command: pinde(12,OUUT) Line 5: pinde(12,OUUT); //D12 is LED OPTPUT | 0.99D | |
549 | 23-Sep-2016 | 10 | Blink3.ino | Unknown command: digitialWrite(12,LOW) Line 11: digitialWrite(12,LOW); | 0.99D | |
550 | 23-Sep-2016 | 2 | DigitalReadSerial2.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 3: PinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); | 0.99D | |
551 | 23-Sep-2016 | 7 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: write(valore) Line 8: write(valore); | 0.99D | |
552 | 30-Sep-2016 | 3 | Test_IF.ino | Unknown command: 1B Line 4: byte packetBuffer[] = {1B, 2C} ; | 0.99D | |
553 | 05-Oct-2016 | 14 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try analogWrite(..) Line 14: analogwrite(led, brillo); | 0.99C | |
554 | 05-Oct-2016 | 6 | TRY1.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 6:pinMOde(led2, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
555 | 05-Oct-2016 | 3 | TRY flipflop.ino | Unknown command: led for(led = 2 Line 3: for(led = 2; led < 13; led ) | 0.99B | |
556 | 06-Oct-2016 | 26 | Simulator for Arduino | Cannot Evaluate analogWrite (led, brillo) Line 27: analogWrite (led, brillo); | 1.00 | |
557 | 07-Oct-2016 | 7 | SerialDisplay2.ino | Typo?: try LCD.begin(16,2) Line 8: lcd.begin(16,2); // 16x2 LCD ʱȭ | 0.99D | |
558 | 07-Oct-2016 | 30 | SerialDisplay2.ino | Typo?: try Serial.available() Line 31: while(serial.available()) // | 0.99D | |
559 | 10-Oct-2016 | 431 | _400Hz_DDS_Driver_Ver_6.ino | Unknown command: available()l Line 432: while (Serial.available()l) { | 1.01 | |
560 | 12-Oct-2016 | 186 | jump_count.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99G | |
561 | 19-Oct-2016 | 20 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: HIGH} Line: Line: 20 {led ==HIGH}; | 0.99 | |
562 | 20-Oct-2016 | 3 | Termostato_a_4_livelli.ino | Unknown command: 0B11111000 Line 4:DDRD =0B11111000; | 1.01 | |
563 | 20-Oct-2016 | 21 | Test_rk_10.ino | ****************************************************** Line 22:'Angabe der Taktfrequenz (1Mhz) | 0.99E | |
564 | 22-Oct-2016 | 2 | Simulator for Arduino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 2:pinMOde(in,INPUT); | 0.99B | |
565 | 26-Oct-2016 | 39 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: 0{ Line 40: else(digitalRead(pulsador, LOW)){ | 1.00 | |
566 | 26-Oct-2016 | 17 | Free Version Blink.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrite(13 Line 18: digitalWrite(13; LOW); | 0.99D | |
567 | 30-Oct-2016 | 19 | Free Version arduino_code_for_rfid_reader.ino | Unknown command: PCD_Init() Line 20: mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522 | 0.99D | |
568 | 30-Oct-2016 | 5 | sketch_oct31a.ino | Arduino Uno Line 5:void loop() {Arduino:1.7.10 (Windows 7), Kart:"ArduinoUno" | 0.99B | |
569 | 01-Nov-2016 | 4 | Moreno_Arana_ejercicio2.ino | Unknown command: pinMode( LED, OUTPUT) Line 5: pinMode( LED, OUTPUT) ; | 1.00 | |
570 | 02-Nov-2016 | 120 | rulette_sim2.ino | \r Line 120: String cmd = Serial.readStringUntil('\r'); | 0.99B | |
571 | 05-Nov-2016 | 46 | calefa2_intentando_time.ino | Typo?: try SDe 1 enero 1970 if(nuevosms==1){ Line 46:if(nuevoSMS==1){ | 0.99B | |
572 | 09-Nov-2016 | 35 | sketch_nov02a.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogWrite(ENA, 90) Line 36: analogWrite(ENA, 90); // motor speed | 0.99D | |
573 | 13-Nov-2016 | 40 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: 1 else if(cont==1){ Line 41: else if(cont==1){ | 1.00 | |
574 | 14-Nov-2016 | 92 | sketch_nov11b.ino | Typo?: try digitalWrite(..) Line 93:digitalwrite(RLD,1); | 0.99G | |
575 | 18-Nov-2016 | 7 | p4.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 8: pinmode(led(A1), OUTPUT); | 1.00 | |
576 | 20-Nov-2016 | 6 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: A3int brillo Line 7:int brillo; | 1.00 | |
577 | 23-Nov-2016 | 5 | Free Version Max2.ino | Unknown command: print(LCDisplay) Line 6: lcd.print("LCDisplay"); | 0.99D | |
578 | 25-Nov-2016 | 185 | novy_mato.ino | Unknown command: bypass: if (ZAPVYP==LOW){ Line 185: if (ZAPVYP==LOW){ | 0.99C | |
579 | 30-Nov-2016 | 186 | sketch_nov30a.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
580 | 30-Nov-2016 | 21 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 1 { Line 21:else (digitalRead (LR)==LOW) { | 0.99C | |
581 | 01-Dec-2016 | 10 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: delay 3000 Line 10: delay 3000; | 0.99C | |
582 | 02-Dec-2016 | 14 | Example 1 multi-expressions.ino | Unknown command: delay_ms(200) Line 14: delay_ms(200); | 0.99B | |
583 | 04-Dec-2016 | 2 | sketch_dec30b.ino | Unknown command: pinmode (13,output) Line 3:pinmode (13,output) | 1.01 | |
584 | 07-Dec-2016 | 30 | Arduino_MQ135sensor.ino | Unknown command: getRZero() Line 30: rzero = gasSensor.getRZero(); // float | 0.99B | |
585 | 07-Dec-2016 | 74 | GuessTheNumber.pde | Unknown command: scrollDisplayLeft() Line 74:0074 lcd.scrollDisplayLeft(); | 0.99B | |
586 | 21-Dec-2016 | 23 | Hajnus_vr13.ino | Unknown command: led_ 1 Line: Line: 23 digitalWrite(led_ 1, LOW); | 0.99 | |
587 | 27-Dec-2016 | 4 | Keyboard | Cannot Evaluate previousButtonState = HIGH Line 4:int previousButtonState = HIGH; // for checking the state of a pushButton | 0.99B | |
588 | 31-Dec-2016 | hHwGyIwtpo | gBmDSummYtRzmBy | wOFsJTXTboVWxHC | ||
589 | 31-Dec-2016 | HGdTevWEob | oxWQMPzfSx | MzmqltojbnACLzkaQBM | ||
590 | 05-Jan-2017 | 25 | modul3.txt | Unknown command: getKey() Line 25: char key = kpd.getKey(); | 0.99B | |
591 | 05-Jan-2017 | JbMslnCE | UytWXMYnjjfPoYGSv | xYAhBCqaaApjkBMHH | ||
592 | 13-Jan-2017 | 14 | Fade.ino | Unknown command: declare pin 9 to be an output: Mode(9, OUTPUT) Line 14: pinMode(9, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
593 | 15-Jan-2017 | 38 | pwm.ino.ino | Unknown command: then delay(1000) Line 38:then delay(1000); | 0.99B | |
594 | 16-Jan-2017 | 21 | vraag_9.ino | Unknown command: in3, HIGH Line: Line: 21 if (in3, HIGH) | 0.99 | |
595 | 25-Jan-2017 | 2 | coco.ino | Unknown command: led 0 Line 2: for(led 0; led <10; led ){ | 0.99B | |
596 | 26-Jan-2017 | 99 | sketch_DHT11.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab3/Line 99:uint8_t bit = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); | 0.99C | |
597 | 29-Jan-2017 | 38 | sketch_jan29a.ino | Unknown command: Â Â pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT) Line 38:Â pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); | 0.99B | |
598 | 30-Jan-2017 | 21 | Examen.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line 22: serial.Begin(9600); | 1.00 | |
599 | 31-Jan-2017 | 21 | gordelalarm.ino | Error - evaluate called 40 times Line: Line: 21 int alarm = ! (levmotor | 0.99 | |
600 | 03-Feb-2017 | 17 | GettingStarted.ino | 13 ON Line 17: lcd.print( "13 ON" ); | 0.99B | |
601 | 03-Feb-2017 | 113 | Example 1 multi-expressions.ino | Error in finding endif defined (__AVR_AT90PWM2__) Past End | 0.99B | |
602 | 08-Feb-2017 | 24 | sketch_feb08a.ino | Unknown command: lf (lastButton == LOW Line: Line: 24 lf (lastButton == LOW | 0.99A | |
603 | 11-Feb-2017 | 7 | AnalogInput.ino | Unknown command: L2, OUTPUT Line 8: pinMode(L1, OUTPUT);(L2, OUTPUT),(L3, OUTPUT),(L4, OUTPUT); //L1-L2-L3-L4 est une broche de sortie | 1.00 | |
604 | 14-Feb-2017 | 13 | Free Version celcius.ino | Unknown command: 8) Line 14: celsius(sensorValue-32/1.8); | 0.99F | |
605 | 14-Feb-2017 | 9 | Blink_3.ino | Cannot Evaluate led = 13 Line 10:const int led = 13; | 0.99F | |
606 | 14-Feb-2017 | 1 | Blinkb3.ino | Cannot Evaluate led = 13 Line 2: const int led = 13; | 0.99F | |
607 | 17-Feb-2017 | 7 | sketch_feb17a.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 7: lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd | 0.99B | |
608 | 19-Feb-2017 | 9 | stepper_motor.ino | Unknown command: setSpeed(25) Line 10:stepper1.setSpeed(25); | 0.99D | |
609 | 28-Feb-2017 | 59 | ADXL3xx.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(ypin) Line: Line: 59 Serial.print(analogRead(ypin)); | 0.99 | |
610 | 01-Mar-2017 | 186 | SPARTAN_DESTROY_Reference_bonus2_elaboraz.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
611 | 05-Mar-2017 | 54 | Receiving_Sia_from_galaxy_20170303a.ino | Unknown command: ReadGalaxy() Line 54: int numBytesRead = galaxyConnection.ReadGalaxy(); // 1 Lees data van de Galaxy en voeg toe aan einde van BufferIn | 0.99B | |
612 | 05-Mar-2017 | 42 | Pinball_Placar.ino | Problem in Reset find_sr() Line 42:enum | 0.99B | |
613 | 06-Mar-2017 | 12 | morelli.ino | Unknown command: digitaLWrite0(LED,LOW) Line 12:digitaLWrite0(LED,LOW); | 0.99B | |
614 | 06-Mar-2017 | 41 | NBK1.ino | Unknown command: wdt_enable(WDTO_2S) Line 41: wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); // таймер от зависаний 4 секунды //для меги8 максимально возможно только 2 секунды(читай файл библиотеки!!!) | 0.99C | |
615 | 07-Mar-2017 | 51 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(val) Line 52: if(analogRead(val)>=28 | 1.00 | |
616 | 07-Mar-2017 | 38 | parkeerterein.ino | Unknown command: digitalRead 8 Line: Line: 38 boolean levReset = ! digitalRead (reset); | 0.99 | |
617 | 07-Mar-2017 | 22 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: Serialbegin(9600) Line 23: Serialbegin(9600); | 1.00 | |
618 | 07-Mar-2017 | 60 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: ){ Line 61: if(tm<=9 || tm>=36){ | 1.00 | |
619 | 07-Mar-2017 | 72 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: 0 } Line 73: } | 1.00 | |
620 | 11-Mar-2017 | 10 | StolaLed.ino | Unknown command: PinMode (LEDgiallo,OUTPUT) Line 10:PinMode (LEDgiallo,OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
621 | 11-Mar-2017 | 22 | spuithall.ino | Unknown command: digitalRead 9 Line: Line: 22 boolean levRes = ! digitalRead (res); | 0.99 | |
622 | 13-Mar-2017 | 2 | rossi 3^be.ino | Unknown command: 12 { Line 2:{ | 0.99B | |
623 | 13-Mar-2017 | 16 | Mattia Stella 3BE Led 2.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrtite(LEDROSSO,LOW) Line 16:digitalWrtite(LEDROSSO,LOW); | 0.99B | |
624 | 14-Mar-2017 | 64 | programma_attila.ino | Unknown command: bumper() Line 64: bumper(); | 0.99C | |
625 | 14-Mar-2017 | 63 | programma_attila.ino | Unknown command: Avanti() Line 63: Avanti(); | 0.99C | |
626 | 16-Mar-2017 | 271 | ShowBMP.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab5/Line 271:}; | 0.99B | |
627 | 24-Mar-2017 | 28 | Sob_3mot_4koncaky_02_kopie.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 28 if (timerKalib>0){//kalibrace | 0.99 | |
628 | 24-Mar-2017 | 40 | barGraph.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(analogPin) Line 40: int sensorReading = analogRead(analogPin); | 0.99C | |
629 | 28-Mar-2017 | 11 | ZRS-test-function-u.ino | Unknown command: 3,77849462365591 Line 11:0011 sens = ReadSens_and_Condition(); | 0.99B | |
630 | 28-Mar-2017 | 40 | ALFAS_SUCCES.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin( _baudrate ); Line 40: Serial.begin( _baudrate ); | 0.99C | |
631 | 04-Apr-2017 | 75 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try delay(..) Line 75: Delay(500); | 0.99C | |
632 | 06-Apr-2017 | 186 | pippo.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
633 | 18-Apr-2017 | 5 | Sketch | Unknown command: { Line 5:{ | 0.99B | |
634 | 21-Apr-2017 | 57 | wheel1.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(b) Line 57:analogRead(b); | 0.99B | |
635 | 21-Apr-2017 | 64 | wheel1.ino | Unknown command: 0{ Line 64:else (b>50 | 0.99B | |
636 | 24-Apr-2017 | 25 | FastCRC_CRC16.ino | Unknown command: toCharArray(charBuf, 50) Line 25:stringOne.toCharArray(charBuf, 50); | 0.99B | |
637 | 24-Apr-2017 | 56 | SpectrumAnalyser.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab3/Line 56:}; | 0.99B | |
638 | 25-Apr-2017 | 13 | Free Version Livello_H2O.ino | Unknown command: PinMode (Pompa, OUTPUT) Line 13: PinMode (Pompa, OUTPUT); | 0.99C | |
639 | 26-Apr-2017 | 117 | server.ino | serv1 Tab5/Line 117:void Nrf24l::setTADDR(uint8_t * adr) | 0.99B | |
640 | 30-Apr-2017 | 7 | string.ino.ino | Cannot Evaluate my_array[1] = 100111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Line 8:0008 my_array[1] = 100111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; // assign a value of 1001 to the 2nd element, etc. | 0.99D | |
641 | 02-May-2017 | 3 | Free EXAMPLE 2.ino | Error in find_sr >>Adafruit_ADS1015 ads1015; Line 4:0004 Adafruit_ADS1015 ads1015; | 0.99F | |
642 | 02-May-2017 | 17 | Free EXAMPLE 2.ino | Unknown command: int16_t adc0, adc1, adc2, adc3 Line 18:0018 int16_t adc0, adc1, adc2, adc3; | 0.99F | |
643 | 11-May-2017 | 3 | ESERCIZIO_N9_LE SEM..ino | Unknown command: INPUT Hi Line 4: pinMode(13,INPUT Hi); | 1.00 | |
644 | 13-May-2017 | 27 | nRF24L01.ino | Unknown command: DDRB Line 27: SPI_DIR = ( CE SCK_pin CSN MOSI_pin); | 0.99B | |
645 | 14-May-2017 | 22 | Receiver_Code-Wireless_Transceiver_Module.ino.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line 22: radio.begin(); //it activates the modem. | 0.99B | |
646 | 14-May-2017 | 23 | Receiver_Code-Wireless_Transceiver_Module.ino.ino | Unknown command: openReadingPipe(1, pipe) Line 23: radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipe); //determines the address of our modem which receive data. | 0.99B | |
647 | 14-May-2017 | 60 | Receiver_Code-Wireless_Transceiver_Module.ino.ino | Error in finding endif } Past End | 0.99B | |
648 | 15-May-2017 | 20 | AnalogReadSerial_modificado.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.print(\r) Line 21: Serial.print(\r);// retrocede a mesma linea | 0.99D | |
649 | 15-May-2017 | 51 | buton delay.ino | Unknown command: begin (decSwitch, handleSwitchPresses) Line 52: myDecSwitch.begin (decSwitch, handleSwitchPresses); | 1.01 | |
650 | 19-May-2017 | 23 | fotoresistenza_e_4_led.ino | Unknown command: digitalRead (FRV) HIGH Line: Line: 23 else if (digitalRead (FRV) HIGH) | 0.99 | |
651 | 21-May-2017 | wwDRjbDxQAVtwITUTc | QCcmFsUtyZ | mDSvQRKnqLb | ||
652 | 22-May-2017 | 58 | repite rs232 en digito.ino | Unknown command: \r Line 59: Serial.println(\r); | 0.99D | |
653 | 25-May-2017 | 80 | Free Version GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: ino } Line 81:} | 1.00 | |
654 | 29-May-2017 | 17 | sensore_pioggia_con_rel_.ino | Unknown command: 5 } Line 18:} | 0.99G | |
655 | 30-May-2017 | 7 | Free Version Blink.ino | Unknown command: analogicWrite(9, lumin) Line 8: analogicWrite(9, lumin); | 0.99E | |
656 | 31-May-2017 | 88 | ANA_PROGRAM.ino | Unknown command: MANDREN() Line 88:MANDREN(); | 0.99B | |
657 | 09-Jun-2017 | 2 | control_de_led_con_potenciometro.ino | Cannot Evaluate buz = 6 Line 3:int buz = 6; | 0.99D | |
658 | 09-Jun-2017 | 0 | prender_led_con_un_boton.ino | Cannot Evaluate btn = 0 Line 1:int btn = 0; // valor leido del boton | 0.99D | |
659 | 09-Jun-2017 | 57 | SerialCallResponse.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.write(firstSensor); Line 57: Serial.write(firstSensor); | 0.99C | |
660 | 10-Jun-2017 | 23 | AnalogInOutSerial.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogInPin = A0 Line 24:const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to | 0.99D | |
661 | 10-Jun-2017 | 101 | arduino_alarma_r3.txt | Unknown command: getKey() Line 102: char key = keypad.getKey(); | 0.99D | |
662 | 12-Jun-2017 | 186 | PROTECTOR_MENU.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
663 | 12-Jun-2017 | 44 | examen_arduino_deel_1.ino | Cannot Evaluate lcd.print(teller/20); Line: Line: 44 lcd.print(teller/20); | 0.99A | |
664 | 01-Jul-2017 | 16 | Free Version led.ino | Unknown command: 1 delay(100) Line 17: delay(100); | 0.99D | |
665 | 03-Jul-2017 | 95 | GearPosition.ino.ino.ino | Unknown command: selectGear() Line 96: selectGear(); | 0.99E | |
666 | 13-Jul-2017 | 13 | ultrasonik_mesafe_sensoru.ino | Unknown command: com†Line 13:LCD.print(“hidayetcaliskan.comâ€); //Ä°lk satırda görünecek mesajı yazıyoruz | 0.99B | |
667 | 27-Aug-2017 | 186 | AnalogReadSerial.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
668 | 30-Aug-2017 | 5 | 3_LED_Running_with_int_on_Arduino.ino | Unknown command: 1000 5 6 void setup () { Line 5:0005 6 void setup () { | 0.99B | |
669 | 30-Aug-2017 | 201 | I2CFirmata.ino | 0.99B | ||
670 | 30-Aug-2017 | 9 | 3_LED_Running_with_int_on_Arduino.ino | Unknown command: 8 pinMode (green, OUTPUT) Line 9:8 pinMode (green, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
671 | 30-Aug-2017 | 3 | Blinkit.ino | Unknown command: SetPin(13) Line 3: SetPin(13); | 0.99B | |
672 | 30-Aug-2017 | 72 | Matrix scaning.ino | Unknown command: readSensors() Line 72: readSensors(); | 0.99B | |
673 | 30-Aug-2017 | 14 | 3_LED_Running_with_int_on_Arduino (2).ino | Unknown command: digitalwrite (red, HIGH) Line 14: digitalwrite (red, HIGH); | 0.99B | |
674 | 08-Sep-2017 | 2 | ex1.ino | mod not implemented - try % instead Line 3: pinmode(13,OUTPUT); | 0.99D | |
675 | 08-Sep-2017 | 271 | DaVinci_Cartridge.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab8/Line 271:}; | 0.99B | |
676 | 13-Sep-2017 | 85 | Heizungssteuerung2017.ino | Unknown command: begin(20, 4) Line: Line: 85 lcd.begin(20, 4); // initialisiere LCD Display | 0.99A | |
677 | 14-Sep-2017 | 30 | test.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(PIRInterrupt) Line 31: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIRInterrupt), detectMotion, RISING); | 0.99G | |
678 | 14-Sep-2017 | 145 | ROADFFFF.ino | Unknown command: true) Line 145: if ((LS4state == LOW | 0.99B | |
679 | 20-Sep-2017 | 0 | _2_1.cs | Unknown command: using System Line 0:using System; | 0.99B | |
680 | 02-Oct-2017 | 49 | timer_buiten_verlichting.ino | Unknown command: printDigits(hours) Line 50: printDigits(hours); | 0.99D | |
681 | 22-Oct-2017 | 245 | datalogger_openoffice.ino | Unknown Wire command: ._I2C_WRITE Tab2/Line 246: Wire._I2C_WRITE((byte)0); | 0.99E | |
682 | 25-Oct-2017 | 33 | Spur1_Speed.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin) Line 34: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), sensor_input, FALLING); // interruptPin Set As An Interrupt | 0.99D | |
683 | 25-Oct-2017 | 19 | tugas2.ino | Unknown command: a Line 19:a ; | 0.99B | |
684 | 25-Oct-2017 | 14 | tugas2.ino | Cannot Evaluate digitalWrite(b,1) Line 14:digitalWrite(b,1); | 0.99B | |
685 | 29-Oct-2017 | 434 | YENİ HEDEF KOD.ino | Unknown command: setCursor(0, 0) Line 435:0435 lcd.setCursor(0, 0); | 0.99D | |
686 | 02-Nov-2017 | 20 | sketch_oct30a.ino | Unknown command: led, HIGH Line 20: (led, HIGH); | 0.99B | |
687 | 03-Nov-2017 | 3 | prak1.ino | Unknown command: pinMode (out, INPUT): Line 3: pinMode (out, INPUT): | 0.99B | |
688 | 03-Nov-2017 | 10 | cob3.ino | Unknown command: digitalWritr(out ,low) Line 10:digitalWritr(out ,low); | 0.99B | |
689 | 04-Nov-2017 | 17 | shifter_example.ino | Unknown command: clear() Line 18:0018 shifter.clear(); //set all pins on the shift register chain to LOW | 0.99D | |
690 | 08-Nov-2017 | 14 | sketch_nov08a.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 15: Serial.readBytes(rec, duzina); | 0.99D | |
691 | 11-Nov-2017 | 3 | Blink.ino | Typo?: try Serial.begin(9600) Line 3: serial.begin(9600); | 0.99B | |
692 | 14-Nov-2017 | 27 | PM3.ino | Unknown command: mikro Line 27: mikro; | 0.99B | |
693 | 19-Nov-2017 | 19 | tgsTambahan1.ino | Unknown command: Nyala(false) Line 19:Nyala(false); | 0.99B | |
694 | 01-Dec-2017 | 98 | Eco_Friendly_Metal_Detector_V8.ino | Cannot Evaluate Tab2/Line 98: 127, 127};// 30- | 0.99B | |
695 | 06-Dec-2017 | 186 | sketch_nov15a.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
696 | 07-Dec-2017 | 12 | BAM_11.ino | Unknown command: {1 Line 12:int intensity[4] = {1,2,3,4}; | 0.99C | |
697 | 08-Dec-2017 | 100 | Mobile.ino | Unknown command: case RIGHT1: start_right_motor(false) Line 101: start_right_motor(false); | 0.99D | |
698 | 12-Dec-2017 | 10 | trasmettitore_mastr.ino | Unknown command: vw_set_tx_pin(3) Line: Line: 10 vw_set_tx_pin(3); // Arduino invierà al modulo XD FST i bit da trasmettere mediante il pin 3 | 0.99 | |
699 | 18-Dec-2017 | 109 | ArduinoPrograme.ino.ino | Unknown command: inputPinsRead() Line 110:inputPinsRead(); | 0.99D | |
700 | 22-Dec-2017 | 5 | GettingStarted.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 5:PinMode(13,INPUT); | 0.99B | |
701 | 12-Jan-2018 | 57 | Memsic2125.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.print(\t); Line 57: Serial.print("\t"); | 0.99C | |
702 | 26-Jan-2018 | 241 | Davis_Wind_Speed.ino | Cannot Evaluate Wire.beginTransmission(_Addr); Tab2/Line 241:Wire.beginTransmission(_Addr); | 0.99C | |
703 | 26-Jan-2018 | 21 | Inputs.ino | Unknown command: initinputs() Line 22: initinputs(); //INIT SELECTED BUTTONS | 1.00 | |
704 | 30-Jan-2018 | 16 | PWM_BUTTONx2_LCD.ino | Unknown command: nMode(ledPin, OUTPUT) Line 16: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
705 | 01-Feb-2018 | 36 | grblWrite_BuildInfo.ino | Unknown command: 80U Line 36:char build_info_line[LINE_LENGTH] = Testing123.; | 0.99C | |
706 | 02-Feb-2018 | 9 | assembler.ino | nop\n\t Line 9:NOP; | 0.99B | |
707 | 05-Feb-2018 | 39 | flankdetectie_met_timer.ino | Unknown command: delay 100 Line: Line: 39 delay 100; | 0.99 | |
708 | 07-Feb-2018 | 22 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: millis() – changeTime Line 22:if (state == HIGH | 0.99C | |
709 | 09-Feb-2018 | 24 | Sketch.ino | Unknown command: 1,6 Line 24: if( divisione>1,6 | 0.99B | |
710 | 09-Feb-2018 | 40 | INCROCIO_SEMAFORICO.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 40:} | 0.99B | |
711 | 15-Feb-2018 | 12 | physical_button_pro.pde | COM3 Line: Line: 12 myPort = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600); | 0.99A | |
712 | 24-Feb-2018 | 7 | sketch_feb23a.ino | Unknown command: begin(9600) Line 7: Serial.begin(9600); | 0.99B | |
713 | 07-Mar-2018 | 30 | motores_alternos.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(Pulsador2) Line 31: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Pulsador2), ayuda, RISING); | 0.99D | |
714 | 12-Mar-2018 | 37 | cde_pont_tournant_ESSAI.ino | Unknown command: enableIRIn() Line 37: RCEP.enableIRIn(); // Commencement de la reception | 0.99C | |
715 | 25-Mar-2018 | 0 | HelloWorld.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 0:void setup() {} | 0.99B | |
716 | 28-Mar-2018 | 37 | 1 factor_finder_with_serial_input_version_two.ino | Unknown command: unsigned long getULongFromSerialMonitor(){ Line 37:unsigned long getULongFromSerialMonitor(){ | 0.99B | |
717 | 28-Mar-2018 | 3 | 4 LedChaser.ino | Unknown command: Servo servo1 Line 3:Servo servo1; | 0.99B | |
718 | 28-Mar-2018 | 47 | 4vv.ino | Unknown command: Verbose(true) Line 47: cell.Verbose(true); // для отладки | 0.99C | |
719 | 10-Apr-2018 | 277 | wifi_robot4_arduinouno_ino.ino | G Line 273:case 'G':goAheadLeft();break; | 0.99D | |
720 | 21-Apr-2018 | 3 | lampeggio.ino | Typo?: try pinMode(..) Line 3: PinMode(ledPin,output); | 0.99B | |
721 | 25-Apr-2018 | 147 | tekno_mq.ino | Unknown command: reset() Line 148: tft.reset(); //perlu saat menggunakan lib.SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.h | 0.99G | |
722 | 03-May-2018 | 4 | gallo.ino.ino | Unknown command: 0 pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT) Line 5: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); | 0.99D | |
723 | 08-May-2018 | 186 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
724 | 18-May-2018 | 35 | practica 2.ino | Unknown command: digitalred(6,HIGH) Line 36:digitalred(6,HIGH); | 0.99D | |
725 | 22-May-2018 | 80 | sketch_may22a.ino | Unknown command: 4,8081 Line 80: solar_volt=(readVolts(solarPin))*solDev; | 0.99C | |
726 | 02-Jun-2018 | 186 | TEST_FULL_3S.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
727 | 08-Jun-2018 | 0 | menu5emyl.ino | Cannot Evaluate button7Menu = 7 Line 0:int button7Menu = 7; // РєРЅ.Menu | 0.99B | |
728 | 12-Jun-2018 | 93 | count.txt | Unknown command: _InternalClock() Tab2/Line 94: Watch = _InternalClock(); | 0.99D | |
729 | 01-Aug-2018 | 92 | dcmotor_joystick3.ino | Unknown command: 0 ? Line 93: *coefG = (rawX < -THRESHOLD) ? -rawX / (float)calX : 1; | 0.99D | |
730 | 08-Aug-2018 | 38 | RTS_RC1_000_0.ino | Unknown command: Valore letto sul Canale RtsImpRead (i) Line 39: Serial.println("Valore letto sul Canale RtsImpRead (i)); | 0.99D | |
731 | 10-Aug-2018 | 36 | dcmotor_joystick.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.println(----------------------); Line 37: Serial.println("----------------------"); | 0.99D | |
732 | 11-Aug-2018 | 186 | Y401超音波Damo.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
733 | 26-Aug-2018 | 74 | Arduino_Watering_System.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 75: lcd.init(); | 0.99D | |
734 | 26-Aug-2018 | 75 | Arduino_Watering_System.ino | Unknown command: backlight() Line 76: lcd.backlight(); // with Backlight | 0.99D | |
735 | 27-Aug-2018 | 76 | Arduino_Watering_System.ino | Unknown command: clear() Line 77: lcd.clear(); // clearscreen | 0.99D | |
736 | 30-Aug-2018 | 75 | sketch_aug28a.ino | Unknown command: backlight() Line 76: lcd.backlight(); // with Backlight | 0.99D | |
737 | 15-Sep-2018 | 48 | ReceiveSMS.ino | Unknown command: begin Line 48: if(gsmAccess.begin(PINNUMBER)==GSM_READY) | 0.99B | |
738 | 15-Sep-2018 | 25 | StringSubstring.ino | Typo?: try delay(..) Line 25:Delay(100); | 0.99B | |
739 | 20-Sep-2018 | 186 | FIV9YO2IRXT8DVY.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
740 | 24-Sep-2018 | 67 | Forno180714ESP01ttt.ino | Unknown command: run() Line 68:; | 0.99D | |
741 | 24-Sep-2018 | 186 | Arduino_Reaction_Timer_2.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
742 | 02-Oct-2018 | 21 | thermistor_cable_largo.ino | Unknown command: 5,26179231648905 Line 22:temp=Thermister(val);//Realiza la conversión del valor analogo a grados Celsius | 0.99D | |
743 | 09-Oct-2018 | 0 | lampeggio.ino | Cannot Evaluate ledPin = 12 Line 0: const int ledPin=12; | 0.99B | |
744 | 12-Oct-2018 | 7 | Pruebar.cpp | Unknown command: { Line 8:{ | 0.99D | |
745 | 12-Oct-2018 | 104 | ACQUARIO_LUCA_2016_con_PH_2sonde_R25.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab5/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99C | |
746 | 15-Oct-2018 | 12 | sketch_oct10a.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(125) Line 13:brillo = (analogRead(125)/4); | 0.99D | |
747 | 18-Oct-2018 | 186 | ultimo_codigo.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
748 | 21-Oct-2018 | 36 | GPS.ino | Cannot Evaluate ss.begin(CONFIG_GPS_BAUDRATE); Line 37: ss.begin(CONFIG_GPS_BAUDRATE); | 0.99D | |
749 | 21-Oct-2018 | 35 | GPS.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(CONFIG_GPS_BAUDRATE); Line 36: Serial.begin(CONFIG_GPS_BAUDRATE); | 0.99D | |
750 | 29-Oct-2018 | 40 | CARRO_ROBOT_A_CONTROL_REMOTO.ino | Unknown command: 29 pinMode(adelanteA, OUTPUT) Line 41: pinMode(adelanteA, OUTPUT); | 0.99D | |
751 | 29-Oct-2018 | 14 | LM35Z.ino | Unknown command: 0,107/1024 Line 15:millivolts= sensor * 0,107/1024; | 0.99D | |
752 | 01-Nov-2018 | 37 | DS_RW_Eprom_1.ino | Unknown command: search (arr) Line 38: if (! (arr)){//read attached ibutton and asign value to buffer | 0.99D | |
753 | 05-Nov-2018 | 88 | GG_Attiny85_LM2596_nov02a.ino | set_float: Bad Float Val convert 0,33 Line 89: for(int i = 1; i < 17; i ) | 0.99G | |
754 | 06-Nov-2018 | 47 | Columnas.ino | Unknown command: delay 1000 Line 48: delay 1000; | 0.99D | |
755 | 07-Nov-2018 | 45 | Free Version Columnas_1.ino | Unknown command: inicio: if (st == 1) Line 46: if (st == 1) | 0.99D | |
756 | 08-Nov-2018 | 81 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2) Line 82:LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); | 0.99D | |
757 | 29-Nov-2018 | 186 | prueba.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
758 | 02-Dec-2018 | 11 | GettingStarted.ino | Line 12: char separator = strchr(command, ' '); | 0.99D | |
759 | 04-Dec-2018 | 0 | semaforo.ino | Cannot Evaluate rosso1 = 2 Line 0:int rosso1 = 2; | 0.99B | |
760 | 04-Dec-2018 | 208 | modbus-slave-bsash-burdinola-fixed.ino | Unknown command: 16 if (state > 4) { Line 209: if (state > 4) { | 0.99D | |
761 | 08-Dec-2018 | 1376 | kontrol_lab_proje_kart_genel_program.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(AnalogInputPin_AI_00) Line 1376: AnalogInputPin_AI_00_value = analogRead(AnalogInputPin_AI_00); // variable to store the value coming from analog input 0 pin | 0.99B | |
762 | 09-Dec-2018 | 125 | Traffic_Light.ino | Unknown command: 0[0 Line 126: digitalWrite(Arduino_Pins[j], Segment_Pins[a1 ][j]); | 0.99D | |
763 | 10-Dec-2018 | 57 | led_rgb.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 58: digitalWrite(pinverde,0);delay(Toff-10); | 0.99F | |
764 | 11-Dec-2018 | 24 | incrocio semaforico con fotoresistenza.ino | Typo?: try analogRead(..) Line 24:tempo=analogread(pot); | 0.99B | |
765 | 02-Jan-2019 | 186 | lcd.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
766 | 03-Jan-2019 | 262 | Free Version 12 Servos array.ino | Unknown command: inMode( pin, OUTPUT) Tab2/Line 262: pinMode( pin, OUTPUT) ; // set servo pin to output | 0.99C | |
767 | 14-Jan-2019 | 44 | AnalogInput.ino | Unknown command: 100s Line 45: delay(100s); | 0.99G | |
768 | 14-Jan-2019 | 11 | Francesco pappalardo.ino | Typo?: try digitalRead(..) Line 11:stato inter=digitalread(inter); | 0.99B | |
769 | 15-Jan-2019 | 11 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: digitqalRead(pinPuls) Line 11: statoPuls=digitqalRead(pinPuls); | 0.99B | |
770 | 28-Jan-2019 | 6 | Ejercicio35-EthernetClient_DHCP.ino | Unknown command: 0xYY Line 7:}; | 0.99D | |
771 | 29-Jan-2019 | 9 | CODE_DHT11_DHT22_SERIAL.ino | Unknown command: begin() Line 9: dht.begin(); | 0.99B | |
772 | 29-Jan-2019 | 14 | semaforo_2.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 15: ;digitalWrite(4, LOW); | 0.99D | |
773 | 30-Jan-2019 | 37 | code.ino | Unknown command: Display(1, 1) Line 37: Display(1, 1); | 0.99C | |
774 | 30-Jan-2019 | Display(1, 1) | code.ino | Unknown command: Display(1, 1) Line 37: Display(1, 1); | ||
775 | 30-Jan-2019 | 21 | Digital_Inputs.ino | Unknown command: 1 digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH) Line 22: digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH) | 0.99D | |
776 | 02-Feb-2019 | 46 | Free Version Zaehler_Taster_Speichern.ino | Typo?: try EEPROM_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value) Tab2/Line 46:eeprom_write_byte((unsigned char *) address, value); | 0.99C | |
777 | 04-Feb-2019 | 2 | paolo_sesto_con_uno_sputo_di_san_giorgio.ino | Unknown command: ROSSO 13 Line 2:pinMode (ROSSO 13, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
778 | 04-Feb-2019 | 2 | paolo_sesto_con_uno_sputo_di_san_giorgio.ino | Unknown command: ROSSO 13 Line 2:pinMode (ROSSO 13, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
779 | 04-Feb-2019 | 186 | temperatuur meter.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99G | |
780 | 05-Feb-2019 | 19 | Simulator for Arduino.ino | Unknown command: On the Uno Line 19: pinMode(13, OUTPUT); | 0.99B | |
781 | 06-Feb-2019 | 29 | Fade.ino | Unknown command: dela(3) Line 29: dela(3); | 0.99C | |
782 | 02-Apr-2019 | 12 | pr1.ino | Unknown command: backlight() Line 13:_lcd1.backlight(); | 0.99E | |
783 | 07-Apr-2019 | 4 | for.ino | Unknown command: 13[0 Line 5: pinMode(ledPin[13,12,11,10,9], OUTPUT);// put your setup code here, to run once: | 0.99D | |
784 | 08-Apr-2019 | 20 | ReadAnalogVoltage.ino | Unknown command: 0,00488758553274682 Line: Line: 20 float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0); | 0.99A | |
785 | 18-Apr-2019 | 25 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: MyObject customVar Line 26: MyObject customVar; //Variable to store custom object read from EEPROM. | 0.99D | |
786 | 22-Apr-2019 | 76 | Control_de_aire_airzone.ino | Typo?: try digitalRead(..) Line 77: estadoANM1 = digitalread(estterm1); | 0.99D | |
787 | 28-Apr-2019 | 65 | contagiri_digitale_lcd_16x2.ino | Unknown command: println(frq=frq *60) Line 66: Serial.println(frq=frq *60); //stampa Frequency | 0.99D | |
788 | 29-Apr-2019 | 8 | mach_logic.ino | Unknown command: outNot(Y0) Line 8: outNot(Y0); | 0.99C | |
789 | 13-May-2019 | 109 | Free Version pola4.ino | Unknown command: digitaWrite(6, HIGH) Line 110: digitaWrite(6, HIGH); | 0.99G | |
790 | 26-May-2019 | 41 | Knock.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(knockSensor) Line 41: sensorReading = analogRead(knockSensor); | 0.99C | |
791 | 26-May-2019 | 46 | sketch_mar01a.ino | Red Line: Line: 46 Serial.println(Red); | 0.99 | |
792 | 05-Jun-2019 | 186 | _2013_04_27_Pirani_con_seteo_x_4.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
793 | 08-Jun-2019 | 89 | Arduino_CNC_Plotter.ino | Unknown command: setSpeed(250) Line 89: myStepperY.setSpeed(250); | 0.99C | |
794 | 13-Jun-2019 | 76 | prova_blink_seriale.ino | Unknown command: 5[0] Line 77: Serial.write(relOFF, sizeof(relOFF)); // turns the relay OFF | 0.99E | |
795 | 01-Jul-2019 | 12 | test.ino | AT COPS?\r Line 12: M590.println(AT COPS?\r); | 0.99B | |
796 | 03-Jul-2019 | 145 | Program_Control_-_No_RFID.ino | Unknown command: int door(int cmd,int minPin, int maxPin, int openPin, int closePin, int safety){ Line 145:int door(int cmd,int minPin, int maxPin, int openPin, int closePin, int safety){ | 0.99B | |
797 | 12-Jul-2019 | 13 | contador..ok.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 14:PORTB = botellas[x-1]; | 0.99D | |
798 | 01-Aug-2019 | 14 | Blink.ino | Unknown command: italWrite(13, HIGH) Line 15:italWrite(13, HIGH); // set the LED on | 0.99D | |
799 | 25-Aug-2019 | 58 | ForumEA_R_Termostato_con_isteresi_variabile.ino | Unknown command: 22136,4 Line: Line: 58 return ( somma / nread ); | 0.99 | |
800 | 07-Sep-2019 | 23 | Array_For_Led_PMW__III.ino | Unknown command: analog0 for(int i=0 Line 24:for(int i=0; i<52; i ) // crea un bucle tipo for utilizando la variable i de 0 a 51 | 0.99D | |
801 | 08-Sep-2019 | 1 | hghghghghghghgh.ino | Unknown command: pin 3 Line 2:int salida = pin 3; | 0.99D | |
802 | 09-Sep-2019 | 9 | AHMED.ino | Typo?: try Serial.println(i) Line 10:serial.println(i); | 0.99D | |
803 | 18-Sep-2019 | grbl | ||||
804 | 30-Sep-2019 | 59 | fscale.ino | Unknown command: 0,299195396048843 Line 60:0060 scaledResult = fscale( 0, 200, 0, 200, j, -1.5); | 0.99F | |
805 | 06-Oct-2019 | 88 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: memcpy(temp, pins, sizeof(temp)) Line 89: memcpy(temp, pins, sizeof(temp)); | 0.99E | |
806 | 07-Oct-2019 | 91 | frigo___essai20AAA.ino | Cannot Evaluate log(R2) Line 92: logR2 = log(R2); | 0.99D | |
807 | 07-Oct-2019 | 74 | frigo___essai11.ino | Cannot Evaluate log(R2) Line 75: logR2 = log(R2); | 0.99D | |
808 | 08-Oct-2019 | 46 | countdown.ino | Unknown command: read()) Line 47: char c = toupper(; | 0.99E | |
809 | 12-Oct-2019 | 186 | 5 LCD.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
810 | 18-Oct-2019 | 26 | g10clock_IonaIshiFlores.ino | : Line 26: Serial.println (":" (s`==0)); | 0.99B | |
811 | 22-Oct-2019 | 6 | g9A_raven.ino | Unknown command: x Line 6: for (x;x<6;x ){ | 0.99B | |
812 | 22-Oct-2019 | 7 | g9A_Jenny.ino | Unknown command: y Line 7: for(y; y<6; y ){ | 0.99B | |
813 | 22-Oct-2019 | 7 | try.ino | Unknown command: x Line 7: for(x;x<=6;x );{ | 0.99B | |
814 | 02-Nov-2019 | 30 | prove_simon.ino | Typo?: try digitalRead(..) Line 30: if(digitalRead(2)==HIGH || digitalRead(3)==HIGH || digitalRead(4)==HIGH || digitalread(5)==HIGH) | 0.99C | |
815 | 07-Nov-2019 | 25 | Free Version Fade.ino | Unknown command: 0a Line 26: if (brightness == 0a || brightness == 255) { | 0.99D | |
816 | 07-Nov-2019 | 1 | array_test.ino | Cannot Evaluate voltageSensor = 0 Line 2:int voltageSensor = 0; | 0.99D | |
817 | 08-Nov-2019 | 26 | Programa_Trash.ino | Unknown command: digitalRead(2),LOW Line 26: if (digitalRead(2),LOW) | 0.99C | |
818 | 11-Nov-2019 | 204 | PCM_complete_unofficial.ino | Unit Test Error - exiting; Line 205:} | 0.99D | |
819 | 25-Nov-2019 | 9 | serial_recibir_cadena_string.ino | \n Line 10:answer=Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); | 0.99D | |
820 | 28-Nov-2019 | 18 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: buttonPin, HIGH Line 19: if(buttonPin, HIGH) | 0.99D | |
821 | 14-Dec-2019 | 61 | Tracker_V3_03_18.ino | Unknown command: sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS2) Line 61: sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS2) ; | 0.99B | |
822 | 19-Dec-2019 | 86 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: setClient(Giardino) Line 86: mqttClient.setClient(Giardino); | 0.99C | |
823 | 20-Feb-2020 | 74 | AkvaKontrol_V3.0.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 74: lcd.init(); // запускаем библиотеку экрана | 0.99C | |
824 | 25-Feb-2020 | 21 | CONTROLEUR_PRESSION.ino | Cannot Evaluate log(P1 - P2 ) Line 21: double DP =log(P1 - P2 ); | 0.99C | |
825 | 03-Apr-2020 | 100 | 1LogicaNavicella.ino | Unknown command: attuInPos1() Line 101: attuInPos1(); | 0.99D | |
826 | 23-Apr-2020 | 46 | GettingStarted.ino | Error in find_sr >>EventTask *task; Tab3/Line 46: EventTask *task; | 0.99C | |
827 | 27-Apr-2020 | 20 | Comedero_1_Infrarojo_Manual_III.ino | Cannot Evaluate analogRead(Pienso) Line 21:analogRead(Pienso); | 0.99D | |
828 | 29-Apr-2020 | 8 | LM35___________.ino | Unknown command: 449,51171875 Line 8:tempC = get_temperature(sensorPin); | 0.99C | |
829 | 08-May-2020 | 53 | Esercizio_per_lunedi.ino | Unknown command: ) if(c Line 54:(digitalWrite(LEDROSSO, LOW); | 0.99D | |
830 | 20-May-2020 | 9 | Fade.ino | Cannot Evaluate brightness = 0 Line 9:int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is | 0.99C | |
831 | 20-May-2020 | 9 | Fade.ino | Cannot Evaluate brightness = 0 Line 9:int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is | 0.99C | |
832 | 04-Jun-2020 | 7 | interrupt.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin) Line 7: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), blink, CHANGE); | 0.99C | |
833 | 06-Jun-2020 | 14 | golovach.ino | Unknown command: digitalRead inplc Line 14: if(digitalRead inplc == HIGH) | 0.99B | |
834 | 06-Jun-2020 | 49 | sketch_may31a.ino | Unknown command: 0,6 Line 50:W[0] = SuhuSR(bacaSuhu); | 0.99D | |
835 | 18-Jun-2020 | 16 | motdis16-6-20.ino | Unknown command: power_adc_disable() Line 17:0017 power_adc_disable(); | 0.99D | |
836 | 12-Jul-2020 | 116 | NTP_Server_01mr.ino | Unknown command: This Sketch was over 150 Lines You have qualified for the upgrade to Pro Version at http: This Sketch was over 150 Lines You have qualified for the upgrade to Pro Version at http: This Sketch was over 150 Lines You have qualified for the upgrade to Pro Version at http: This Sketch was over 150 Lines You have qualified for the upgrade to Pro Version at http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: http: ht | ||
837 | 0.99E | |||||
838 | 28-Jul-2020 | 285 | Button.ino | Unknown command: =(Button | 0.99G | |
839 | 29-Jul-2020 | 24 | para-cevir.ino | d Line 24: sprintf(Tam, d, (int) Nakit); //tam | 0.99B | |
840 | 30-Aug-2020 | 20 | sketch_aug30avers4.ino | Cannot Evaluate log(RCTN / A) Line 21: TC = ((B / (log(RCTN / A))) - 273.0) 10;//Calcul de la température en °C | 0.99D | |
841 | 11-Sep-2020 | 3 | PROGRAMA_1.ino.ino | Unknown command: pin Mode(pin,OUTPUT) Line 4: pin Mode(pin,OUTPUT); //configura el ´pin´como salida | 0.99D | |
842 | 11-Sep-2020 | 7 | SEMAFORO.ino | Unknown command: pin Mode(pin,OUTPUT) Line 8: pin Mode(pin,OUTPUT); // configura como la salida | 0.99D | |
843 | 23-Sep-2020 | 24 | senoide.ino | Unknown command: println(vt) Line 25: Seria.println(vt); | 0.99D | |
844 | 24-Sep-2020 | 240 | atiumer_arduino.ino | Unknown command: _data | 0.99C | |
845 | 29-Oct-2020 | 47 | semaforo.ino | Unknown command: SEQUENZA: digitalWrite(pin_LED_Rp, HIGH) Line 48: digitalWrite(pin_LED_Rp, HIGH); | 0.99D | |
846 | 12-Nov-2020 | 16 | pott_Buzzer.ino | Unknown command: 2 tone(buzzer,z,2000) Line 17: tone(buzzer,z,2000); | 0.99D | |
847 | 19-Nov-2020 | 89 | HEAT_PUMPS_CONTROL1.ino | Unknown command: setCursor(1,1) Line 89: lcd.setCursor(1,1); | 0.99C | |
848 | 11-Dec-2020 | 15 | sketch_dec05e_______.ino | Unknown command: 5 digitalWrite(led, status) Line 15:digitalWrite(led, status); | 0.99C | |
849 | 12-Dec-2020 | 4 | Button.ino | Unknown command: pinMode ( 3, OUTPUT): Line 4:pinMode ( 3, OUTPUT): | 0.99B | |
850 | 12-Dec-2020 | 88 | timer_test_isis.ino | Cannot Evaluate Line 89: digitalWrite (Cell_A, LOW); digitalWrite (Cell_B, HIGH); | 0.99D | |
851 | 16-Dec-2020 | 20 | 3_Servo.ino | Unknown command: attach(3) Line 20: myservo_1.attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object | 0.99C | |
852 | 26-Dec-2020 | 186 | MAIN_ESP8266.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
853 | 11-Feb-2021 | 12 | project_1.ino | Cannot Evaluate Icd.print(Hello); Line 12: Icd.print("Hello"); | 0.99C | |
854 | 17-Feb-2021 | 10 | Semaforo.ino | Unknown command: digitalWrite,HIGH Line 11: if(mode==(digitalWrite,HIGH)) | 0.99E | |
855 | 28-Feb-2021 | 8 | Новый текстовый документ (2).txt | Unknown command: begin(8)) Line 8:microSD if (!SD.begin(8)) | 0.99C | |
856 | 28-Feb-2021 | 20 | daring_kieran1 (6).ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 20:{ | 0.99C | |
857 | 02-Mar-2021 | 104 | Pellet_controller_Denis_v9_wifi_Uno.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99C | |
858 | 26-Mar-2021 | 14 | ozono_con_serial_lcd.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 14: lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd | 0.99B | |
859 | 01-Apr-2021 | 3 | Sos_array.ino | Unknown command: 0A Line 4:int SensorPin = 0A; | 0.99D | |
860 | 11-Apr-2021 | 83 | code stt.ino | Unknown command: verifyPassword() Line 83: if (finger.verifyPassword()) | 0.99C | |
861 | 13-Apr-2021 | 18 | sketch_apr13a.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin ( Variabile2 ); Line 19:Serial.begin ( Variabile2 ); | 0.99E | |
862 | 17-Apr-2021 | 29 | GettingStarted.ino | AT COPS? Line 29: SIM800.println(AT COPS?); | 0.99B | |
863 | 22-Apr-2021 | 13 | _4AEC___ARCHIMEDE___22_aprile.ino | Unknown command: e non più di seguito Line 14: e non più di seguito; | 0.99E | |
864 | 03-May-2021 | 12 | sketch_may03a.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(3) Line 13: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), GestInt, LOW); | 0.99D | |
865 | 07-May-2021 | 38 | SEMAFORO_1.ino | Unknown command: / Line: Line: 38 while(cont<5000){ //... PER 5 SECONDI | 0.99 | |
866 | 09-May-2021 | 47 | Free Version SerialDisplay.ino | Line 47: lcd.begin(16, 2); | 0.99C | |
867 | 24-Jun-2021 | 35 | DEFINITIVO_3.ino | Unknown command: attach(m 8) Line 35: servo[m].attach(m 8); // servo izda | 0.99C | |
868 | 31-Jul-2021 | 186 | sketch_jun29a.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
869 | 28-Sep-2021 | 35 | MONITORIO_SERIAL_BIOGAS_MIGUEL.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 35: lcd.init(); // Inicializar el LCD | 0.99C | |
870 | 07-Oct-2021 | 12 | 4-Channel-Propo-Encoder.ino | Cannot Evaluate Futaba = 1 Line 13:static int Futaba = 1; // Set to 1 for Futaba channel order AETR. Set to 0 for JR/Spektrum order TAER | 0.99E | |
871 | 27-Oct-2021 | ZAP | ZAP | ZAP | ||
872 | 03-Nov-2021 | 186 | boxesRdm6300.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
873 | 11-Nov-2021 | 5 | Free Version AnalogInOutSerial.ino | Label1 Label2 | 0.99C | |
874 | 03-Dec-2021 | 24 | Free Version opreracionFor.ino | Typo?: try SPIn = 2 Line 24: for (int thisPin = 2; thisPin < 8; thisPin ) { | 0.99C | |
875 | 18-Dec-2021 | 20 | RunLed.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin1) Line 21: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin1), blink, FALLING); | 0.99D | |
876 | 13-Jan-2022 | 82 | sketch_povorotka.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 82: lcd.init(); | 0.99B | |
877 | 17-Jan-2022 | 1 | programma_barbera.ino | Unknown command: 15T Line 2:float sogliaL = 15T; | 0.99E | |
878 | 21-Jan-2022 | 17 | AnalogReadSerial.ino | Unknown command: delay(1000): Line 17:delay(1000): | 0.99B | |
879 | 30-Jan-2022 | 180 | circlock_OK.ino | Cannot Evaluate Wire.write(reg); Tab7/Line 180:Wire.write(reg);//Определяем значение первого байта (reg - адреса регистра) который будет отправлен после байта адреса. Функция write() поместит указанный байт в буфер для передачи. | 0.99C | |
880 | 15-Feb-2022 | 79 | Arduino_PWM.ino | Unknown command: letela() Line 79: letela(); | 0.99C | |
881 | 24-Mar-2022 | 20 | aaa.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin) Line 20: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin),blin,LOW); | 0.99C | |
882 | 11-May-2022 | 46 | Stahlpresse.ino | Unknown command: zeit Line: Line: 46 for (zeit; zeit <= 200; zeit ) | 0.99 | |
883 | 13-May-2022 | 231 | MightyOhm-V2-12.ino | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(BAUD); Line 232: Serial.begin(BAUD); // Open serial port, this works on the Mega also because we are using serial port 0 | 0.99D | |
884 | 08-Jun-2022 | 186 | Pulse_GenV7_Combined.ino | Unknown command: 0{if (this == | 0.99D | |
885 | 12-Jun-2022 | 64 | 4.ino | Unknown command: init() Line 64: lcd.init();lcd.backlight(); | 0.99C | |
886 | 23-Jun-2022 | 3 | Button.ino | Unknown command: Turns on Line 3: Turns on and off a light emitting diode(LED) connected to digital | 0.99C | |
887 | 23-Jun-2022 | 3 | DigitalInputPullup.ino | Unknown command: 10,18 Line 3: pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLLOW); | 0.99C | |
888 | 01-Sep-2022 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
889 | 10-Sep-2022 | 231 | MightyOhm-V2.12.pde | Cannot Evaluate Serial.begin(BAUD); Line 232: Serial.begin(BAUD); // Open serial port, this works on the Mega also because we are using serial port 0 | 0.99D | |
890 | 10-Oct-2022 | 21 | PM55l.ino | Typo?: try delay(..) Line 21:Delay(5000) ; | 0.99B | |
891 | 28-Oct-2022 | 23 | 4led anim.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 23: digitalWrite(led_pins[j - 1], LOW); | 0.99C | |
892 | 14-Nov-2022 | 2 | pescarollosketch_may32a.ino | Unknown command: { Line 3:{ | 0.99D | |
893 | 15-Nov-2022 | 104 | FOR_NC_SERVO_BOARD_Mib_iqbal_sahib_6th_Finel_Code10_12_2016_8_2.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab3/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99B | |
894 | 18-Dec-2022 | 14 | ENCODER_DENEMEloopsuz.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToInterrupt(2) Line 14: attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), Interrupt_fonksiyonu1, FALLING); | 0.99B | |
895 | 19-Dec-2022 | 6 | Car_NRF_Receiver_2.ino | Unknown command: 0xF9E8F0F0E1LL Line 6:const uint64_t pipeIn = 0xF9E8F0F0E1LL; | 0.99C | |
896 | 12-Jan-2023 | 104 | Temperatura.ino | Unknown command: digitalPinToBitMask(pin) Tab2/Line 104:bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin); | 0.99C | |
897 | 15-Jan-2023 | 13 | HelloWorld.ino | Unknown command: lenght() Line 13: lcd.setCursor((16 - time.lenght()) / 2 1, 0); | 0.99C | |
898 | 31-Jan-2023 | 306 | termostato.ino | Error - evaluate called 41 times Line 306: if (vett[i * 2] == 0 | 0.99B | |
899 | 31-Jan-2023 | 31 | GettingStarted.ino | Unknown command: arraySize(btn) Line 31: num_btn = arraySize(btn); | 0.99C | |
900 | 17-Feb-2023 | 76 | RcCarControl.ino | Unknown command: BDButton TouchButtonRcCarStartStop Tab2/Line 77:BDButton TouchButtonRcCarStartStop; | 0.99D | |
901 | 18-Feb-2023 | 85 | Simulator for Arduino | Unknown command: print(<) Line 85:0085 lcd.print("<"); | 0.99C | |
902 | 03-Mar-2023 | 12 | DigitalReadSerial.ino | Unknown command: poinMode(pinPompa, OUTPUT) Line 12: poinMode(pinPompa, OUTPUT); | 0.99C | |
903 | 15-Apr-2023 | 10 | sketch_apr1a.ino | Unknown command: Â pinMode(LED3,OUTPUT) Line 11:Â pinMode(LED3,OUTPUT); | 0.99E | |
904 | 17-Apr-2023 | 58 | SEMAFORO_CON_SENSORES2.ino | Unknown command: 17,15 Line 59: float distancia = calcularDistancia(); | 0.99D | |
905 | 27-Nov-2023 | 20 | Balancer_pro_PB.ino | Unknown command: powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF) Line 21: LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); | 0.99D |
No | Description |